Why Are the Old Folks Pushing the Youngins Away | Teen Ink

Why Are the Old Folks Pushing the Youngins Away

May 30, 2024
By 24renbec BRONZE, Manchester, Connecticut
24renbec BRONZE, Manchester, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Why do older people always try to push the younger ones to a point where it is really annoying? I know it is them wanting us to be successful but they have to know their limits. I feel that if they want to have a connection with the younger kids then they should try getting to know us. I think the old school way is definitely not working.

According to the Child Mind Institute , “Sometimes our expectations can become outsized, too. Parents who are very motivated by the idea of getting their children into college might already be thinking of signing up for the right extracurriculars and getting the right GPA when their children are still several years away from filling out an application. Being pushed for a goal so far in the future, and hearing about it for so much of their lives, can make kids feel inadequate and resentful. If you think that your child might be feeling too pressured, it is important to take a step back.” I say this because being pushed for a goal so early might make the kid feel overwhelmed and like they're being forced to do something that they don't wanna do. Especially if they are still in elementary school if feel like the maybe start pushing for it when your leaving middle school so that they know that life gonna get hard and they will learn plenty more when they get into high school where they get the best GPA so that they could go to the college they want to go to and not be able to go at all and at least they could know and see what life would be like if they don't pass to get out of high school. The children might start to feel like the adults are picking their careers for them which will lead to them to think that if they wanted to do something other then become a doctor, a business owner, or a teacher that they wouldn't support them because of how hard they are being pushed for something the adult want them to do. 

The adults should make sure that their child could take that much pressure because they might fall into a depression and start to feel overwhelmed which would not  be good for their mental health. Most children might not respond lightly to being pressured into something; it might make them feel like you're trying to force every single thing on them at such a young age before they make it to the 9th or 10th grade. 

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