Pressure For A Perfect Body | Teen Ink

Pressure For A Perfect Body

May 28, 2024
By DyaniMarie BRONZE, Manchester, Connecticut
DyaniMarie BRONZE, Manchester, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I believe women get the majority of their insecurity from social media. There’s so many standards that need to be reached in order to become what society sees as “perfect”. The ideal dream woman is the height of 5 '5, 100-130lbs, and a cinched waist. Society affects the future for young women. They see what is being put on social media and they see older women getting their bodies done or fillers on their lips and end up wanting to become just like that just to fit the beauty standards. Mental health ends up becoming a big part of this topic just for the thought that women forget to accept themselves for who they are and for their well being

Plastic surgery and body modifications are not for everyone. For example, some attempts at body modification can also have negative consequences, and health risks that might ultimately damage self esteem. Individuals can experience excessive scarring that can lead to disfigurement and dissatisfaction with the outcome overall. Plastic surgery carries the risk of infection which can end up being serious life threatening medical complications. One of the worst parts about surgery is the nerves may end up becoming damaged and the patient can end up losing sensation in the treated area. Allergic reactions can occur whether that being from the medication or the implants that are in the body, Which would need to require attention immediately. Undergoing plastic surgery can lead to emotional and psychological stress, especially if the recovery process is stressful and challenging. In conclusion Plastic surgery can offer life changing benefits for many individuals but it’s also a warning out there for those to be more mindful when it comes to plastic surgery and to dig deep and do research before going to a doctor who is giving you an opportunity to get the surgery. It's crucial to be aware of the certain life and health risks that can happen.Mental health can have both positive and negative effects on someone's daily life because of plastic surgery. When women forget to accept themselves, it leads to so many consequences and an enormous impact on their mental health. Cosmetic/Plastic surgery. Patients are vulnerable and emotionally drained after surgery. They may also be on an emotional roller coaster, experiencing regret, uncertainty, and even the fear of having made a mistake. More than half of people experience symptoms of anxiety or depression in the days following plastic surgery. individuals who undergo cosmetic procedures often report reduced feelings of anxiety and depression and an overall improvement in their quality of life. 

Plastic surgery can have positive effects but overall I feel there’s more negatives overall. In conclusion plastic surgery can be used to improve how someone looks and to reconstruct their looks.

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