Authentic Human Connection | Teen Ink

Authentic Human Connection

April 30, 2024
By Anonymous

We live in a technologically advanced age, it is easy for people to rely solely on technology for communication. However, there is a beauty in connecting beyond a screen. By embracing conversation beyond technology, we can rediscover and enrich human connections.

Communication without technology allows us to engage in deeper conversations. When we talk face to face, we pick up the tone, body language, and facial expressions that you can’t see when communicating digitally. These signs add layers of meaning and understanding to our interactions, allowing us to create an emotional connection that cannot be formed through text. Stepping back from technology allows us to be fully present in the moment, rather than the distractions our phones may pose, allowing us to  focus on the person in front of us, and in return it can strengthen our relationships and appreciation for one another. 

In addition, communication without devices allows authenticity and vulnerability. Without our devices, we may feel more inclined to share our thoughts and feelings, openly and honestly. This vulnerability allows the person with whom you communicate to form a bond and establish trust.

It also strengthens our sense of community as well. Things like meeting at a table or participating in group activities, face-to-face, these interactions foster a sense of belonging and union. These experiences we share create lasting memories and bonds that unite us as friends and family, and create a stronger community. 

While technology improves our lives in many ways, it is very important to try to communicate without it. We can develop deep and real connections, live with more awareness, and develop essential social skills. So we must leave our devices and experience the authenticity of real human connection.

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