Biden's step back into 2010, and the Euphemisms of the Left | Teen Ink

Biden's step back into 2010, and the Euphemisms of the Left

March 16, 2024
By arden_skyroa GOLD, Long Island, New York
arden_skyroa GOLD, Long Island, New York
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Nothing that results in human progress is achieved with unanimous consent. Those that are enlightened before the others are condemned to pursue that light in spite of others" -Christopher Columbus

Reluctantly, Biden butchered her name, calling her “Lincoln Riley”, in response to one of Marjorie Taylor Greene’s interjections throughout the 2024 annual State of the Union. Greene, referring to the 22-year-old nursing student murdered at the hands of an illegal on February 22nd this year exclaimed “It's about Laken Riley!” Biden then followed with “An innocent woman who was killed by an illegal." 

Illegal. A word that up until the very point the issue at the border started to grow, was generally used to describe an illegal alien. Used by the vast majority of politicians without a problem being raised, the term perfectly describes the phenomenon. Citing the disjointed argument of “no human being illegal”, any Democrat who has his head screwed on right has called an illegal, well, an illegal since around 2010, out of fear of ostracization from the party altogether. 

One of the more recognizable tactics of the modern Left is the forced evolution of language, and the overabundance of euphemisms in their speech. Instead of abortion, it’s deemed “terminating a pregnancy” or “life-saving healthcare”. Anyone who dares to toe the sill of the Left’s Overton window and call abortion what it actually is called regressive, misogynistic, blatantly untrue, and embarrassed in countless media smear campaigns, and embarrassed by their peers. In this day and age, leftists and even liberals are fighting for a monopoly on language. 

The elites in charge of the language we speak not only do this to appeal to people’s emotions, but to make their arguments coherent. News anchors, politicians, and activists use intimidating terms like “stochastic terrorism” to confuse people into thinking it is a valid term with an actual meaning, marketing it as an effective “gotcha” statement to stop any member of the opposition in their tracks. To the untrained, inexperienced ear, vague words with many terms make Democrat pundits sound smart, and seem to always be one step ahead of their counterpart. Over time, the Right has responded to this by attempting to ramp up their language too, however with real words, as opposed to some term synthesized by a powerful activist in 2010, attempting to be the next Lemkin (creator of the word “genocide”). Piling onto the mistake of fighting big words with big words is that while sounding sophisticated, the Leftists still dumb down their language. They make themselves sound smart, while also making their thinking direct and easy to understand. Due to this, political moderates, and even some moderate Conservatives will be found agreeing with their seemingly straightforward logic, while also picking up the large mostly-made-up terms to use later on. 

An example of this is transgenderism. Simplified, the main argument is that one can be born in the wrong body, and because of certain mannerisms they demonstrate, like playing with dolls instead of trucks, they prove themselves to be the opposite sex. In an article titled "Supreme Court lets stand ruling that protects people with gender dysphoria under disability law”, the author discusses a legal “win”, where transgenders are considered protected by the ADA. “...the 1990 landmark disabilities law protects transgender people who experience anguish and other symptoms as a result of the disparity between their assigned sex and their gender identity.” It sounds smart and astute, but it’s also easy to understand the line of reasoning. This is attractive to the average person searching for where they stand on issues like this. 

Additionally, they bank on a person's knowledge of simpler words and therefore, the lack of a need to ask what they mean. The word “woman” is a big part of their case for transgenderism. If pro-trans activists are asked, most can’t define it and successfully avoid any additional scrutiny from the other side. “A woman is anyone who identifies as a woman”, is a popular attempt at defining the word while trying to uphold their incoherent view. “But what are they identifying as?” is an example of the further scrutiny they will be likely to undergo. Once asked a question as simple as “What is the meaning of the very word you are using?”, they have lost the argument and the opportunity to continue on and use any larger terms. 

Among many other things, it is important to ask what people mean when they say any word they seem to be relying on to prove their point. Upon further examination of the words you, or your opposition are using, you will better understand your own point of view, as well as the other persons. Slowly, but surely, the more people that start to realize how so much of the Left’s common terminology is made-up, or used without any consideration of its real meaning, the more people will stray from the common narrative pushed by the partisan media, and any other bastion of Leftism, eventually leading to the downfall of the euphemisms of today. 

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