Lack of Recognition | Teen Ink

Lack of Recognition

February 26, 2024
By 5vogeltanz BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
5vogeltanz BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the medical field, nurses and CNAs are not given the credit that they deserve. Nurses and CNAs are given more credit in long term care facilities because there are not as many doctors present in these types of places. However, those who have ever been to the hospital know that there is a lot going on. There are people running all over and trying to help and care for their patients. 

When patients go to the doctor's office, the first people they see after the receptionist are the nurses. They will take the needed vitals and ask a basic list of questions about what is going on. However, if patients have been waiting in the doctor's office for more than what they had expected by the time the nurse sees the patient it would not be a surprise that they are upset and aggravated. That emotion is all usually taken out on the nurses whether it is yelling or just being upset and difficult to work with. In these situations, it is the nurse’s job to calm down the patient and work everything out before the doctor even steps foot into the room to see the patient. In doctors’ offices, the doctors are usually there to see the patient pretty quickly after seeing the nurse so many times the blame is not as heavy on these nurses; however, it's still there.

Or think about a hospital setting where there is always a lot going on. Nurses and CNAs are running around trying to accommodate everyone's needs and insure that patients are ready for the doctors. Depending on the day and the situations appointments, procedures, check ups, ect. May be pushed back in the schedule. However in most cases people don’t seem to blame the doctor, they instead blame the nurses. Hospitals are the most intense facility, this is where most of the credit is lost. Nurses are there on 8 to 12 hour shifts depending on the hospitals and their specialty. Whereas doctors are often present in the facility during normal office hours. Now there are always a few doctors present or some that stay on call but the nurses are the medical professionals on the floor taking care of everyone. 

In long term care as mentioned before nurses and CNAs are recognized the most. This is simply because these facilities are usually run by nurses. Without the presence of doctors it is easier to see that nurses do a lot more than people think for residents and patients in a facility.  

In many facilities—doctor offices, hospitals, or long term care-—the nurses are on the floor taking the brunt of emotions. Oftentimes the patient's emotions are understandable for their situation, but it is a lot for one person to take in when they make it sound like it is all that nurse’s fault. Nurses and CNAs deal with upset family members along with the patients. Understanding that the nurses are trying to care for loved ones the best they can is very important. Nurses are trained for all of these situations; however, it is important to remember that they are just people who are trying to do good for others. Showing appreciation to nurses is an important step that people outside of the medical field need to take into account because the nurses are taking care of the patient on a 24 hour cycle ensuring their needs and care is met to standard and above. So although doctors and other medical professionals are important, work very hard, and deserve their recognition, it is also important that it is spread to Nurses and CNAs who work extremely hard as well. 

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