Petition for Pitbulls | Teen Ink

Petition for Pitbulls

September 1, 2023
By Anonymous

Pit Bulls are dangerous and vicious. This is a statement that is said often. I ask today, what makes a dog vicious? Why target one dog breed and label it as dangerous? I say it's biased to cancel out a dog breed, even though every pup is different. How are you able to tell the dog is going to be dangerous when it's first born? Pitbulls are my topic and I'm their voice today. All dogs have the potential to be vicious. Not one specific breed is different from the other when it comes to their instincts. 

Man's best friend has had a goreful background since Roman times. Canines were used for war and entertainment back then. Entertainment included dog fighting wild animals, elephants and bulls in pits. During those times the humans were always mixing dog breeds to make the top dog for the competition. That's the sad story of man's best friend's background and how pit bulls got their name by being the best in the pit that could fight even bulls. It's in the dog's genetics to know how to defend oneself; their instinct lets the dog know when to be on guard.

Any canine breed has the potential to bite or attack another animal or human when it feels threatened. A dog will do whatever it needs to if it feels backed into a corner. But all that ties into how the animal was raised. If the owner would beat and starve their dog I feel that when the dog escapes and goes out looking for food it would be on guard and scared of the new environment. It would be dangerous because all the dog knows is it's hungry and its human beats them. Every contact with someone after that, the dog will have trust issues so it'll be in a defensive mode. I wouldn't blame the poor pup. We need to look at the big picture. We need to look at why a dog would lash out. We really never know what a dog has been through to cause them to be so menacing.

If the owner was to train or pay someone to train the dog not to be vicious, that's one way to prevent the dog from being dangerous. Another way is to properly discipline the dog. The owner doesn't have to beat the dog if it gets in the trash or goes to the restroom in the house. All the owner has to do is put the snout of the dog near what they destroyed/ruined, tell them no in a stern voice and flick them twice in the snout. Beating a dog will just cause them to have fear and a dread toward the owner, and that's a major way to cause the dog to be vicious due to their flight/fight instincts. 

Everything I wrote about isn't just for one dog breed, it's meant for all of them. I believe  all dogs are not vicious once born but they reflect how they are treated as they grow. They’re  living souls with hearts and minds so they learn and feel feelings just like humans. I say the dog that is being viscous is just a reflection of its owner. I strongly believe that not just pit bulls are dangerous, every dog has the potential to be murderous but that's based on the actions of the owner.

The author's comments:

i wrote this to use my voice to make people open their eyes how every dog breed has the potential to be dangerous.

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