The uncomfortable truth | Teen Ink

The uncomfortable truth

January 29, 2022
By yosr BRONZE, Bizerte, Other
yosr BRONZE, Bizerte, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The thing with people is that they avoid truth , they seek comfort by seeking lies . That is why they call it the uncomfortable truth , it makes people overwhelmed and it certainly gives them mixed feelings of despair and unmotivation . Observing the big picture makes us realize that we actually do not have a WORLD mission , we are useless , we are born to die . this might seem hard and tough , but I am not trying to make you procrastinate or do drugs or suicide . I am just trying to spell out a truth that is going to make our lives easier and more acceptable because by accepting  that there is no faith , that faith is just anoher useless lie we keep dumping ourselves with to feel important and meaningful , we would probably have more time to live fully and work hard , not by the intention of adding something to the world or being remembered as the most brazen hero of all time , but because you simply enjoy working , and when you start enjoying work , that is when you are going to f*cking add value to the world , but first , be selfish .o

The author's comments:

I am a Tunisian 15 years old ish- girl , this is my first and hopefully not last post on TeenInk .

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