Eyes of Education | Teen Ink

Eyes of Education

February 14, 2017
By rj.shahbaaz GOLD, Chittagong, District Of Columbia
rj.shahbaaz GOLD, Chittagong, District Of Columbia
12 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
I am not perfect,but I am limited edition.

Education is the most important factor for the development of human civilization.Education provides the nation with man powers, promotes national unity and uplifts public awareness. A country needs different kinds of man powers such as doctors, engineers, teachers, administrative officials, economists, judges and other technical hands.Education provides the nation with those educated hands.If people are educated,they can understand their duties and rights. In order to uplift human society,each should be capable to understand others.If people can understand each other, they will be united.Thus,education can promote national unity.In other to uplift the degree of awareness of the society,education plays a prime role.It makes all people conscious.They will not follow the old dead and evil tradition.Educated people can reform the society.They can understand what is wrong and what is right.They can save good traditions.Education profoundly enhances human prosperity.


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