Graduation day | Teen Ink

Graduation day

March 9, 2012
By Anonymous

May 13,2012 is the start to a new life. This is going to be the day that I finally get to see my whole family all together. This will be the first day ever in my lifetime they have ever been together since I was born. Sitting down stairs at the civic and knowing my family is all going to be together is going to be the best feeling ever. That first step I take out onto that arena floor I am going to try and find my family and see if they are all together or if they are in different spots. I will be anticipating the way we get to walk up on stage and just get the diploma handed to me. The feeling of knowing I don’t have to go back to Papillion LaVista high school and have to sit the day away in a classroom is going to be a really good feeling. There is less than 100 days till this day is going to be happening. The planning of what I am going to do with family after is going to be weird because I am going to be able to eat with both sides of my family. Well I have to decide which one I want to spend more time with. Well I am thinking my dad’s side because they live over seas and I don’t get to see them that much if at all in a year. I guess its time to finally see my dad’s side of the family. I am so excited for the time to see everyone together.

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