School Needs to Change | Teen Ink

School Needs to Change

June 10, 2024
By HumphreyMunting BRONZE, Troy, Michigan
HumphreyMunting BRONZE, Troy, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The American Public Schooling System has been around for a while, during its time when it first came around it was effective, however now as jobs got added and as they grew more complex, the Public School System is failing. Through out that time period, the schooling system didn’t really change a whole lot. The industrial revolution, when we first started getting factories, ended around the same time the age grouping schooling system started, a system in school in which we separate students by grade and age, and nothing else, which is the system we have today. This all culminated into the american public schooling system failing in today’s date, as statistics show 4/10 of students aren’t ready for life after public school (Diament), and students are wasting time on things they will not use in their life.


            Only 37% of the info you learn at school will be used. That is 13 Years of learning random info because Horace Mann, the Secretary of Education in 1837, made that school curriculum that is failing students, and looking at it today, it has not changed much. According to De Rudder-Tanović, CEO and Founder of Bloom School Sarajevo, the current school system is “A Factory School Model” which she defined it as, “The Factory School System was a way of organizing education during the Industrial Revolution. It's like a factory, with standardized lessons, teachers in charge, and students grouped by age. It aimed to give all children access to education and prepare them for working in factories.” When you look close into that quote you will see, “preparing for factories” that is the entire point of this system. That might have been insanely effective in the time of when this system was made in the industrial revolution where factory workers were in need, however sense most of our production has moved over seas to cut cost the school system didn’t change. Now factory workers are still in need, but all of these amazing jobs have popped up and the Factory School Model is not preparing these people for the future. Times have changed a lot and the future of students, and the jobs have changed a whole lot. One example of this being pretty much everything with technology sense back when this system was put in place, in the late 18th century the technology was a little bit lacking in term of todays time sense so many inventions have come into this world and no change to the school model has happened. Times have changed and there needs to be a change in this school system, for the future of your children and the people that have to take over our society when we get too old to carry on.


After your time in the public schooling system, you need to survive and be ok by yourself with out the help of you parents. Sometimes people go to college, sometimes they stay home and work, and sometimes the move out and work, what ever it is you need to be able to live as a human being. One massive part of this new adventure that you need to be great in is financial education. You need to know how to fill out taxes, budget for everything, and know what to do with the check you get from work, or even to know how to pay for college, if your going down that route. This person is just sent into the wild and left to fend for themselves or hire some with the money you don’t know how to manage. This is why schools should teach financial education and save students from a life of struggling with financials. Now some states do make it required to learn and take a course of financial education, 17 states according to CNN Wire they also point how students are mandated by 39 States to take a Sex Ed, they also point how this is useful, however they do overall point out that Financial Education is very important to someones life and they also point out the negligence of financial education compared the widespread teaching of sex education. They also pointed out the fact that financial education is just as important as something like sex-ed and it is crucial to teach both of these useful skills. Now, you might think that there is no connection between the fact of people taking a financial class and them being well of financially, however according to Jessica Dickler in CNBC, “One recent report found a lifetime benefit of roughly $100,000 per student from taking a one-semester course in personal finance during high school.” Without taking financial literacy courses there is a more likely chance and possibility to having higher debts and being bankrupted. There very needs to be a reform to financial education being taught quickly, because as CNN Wire puts it, “Any delay by not adding financial education, is one more generation is going out of High School without those skills or knowledge.”

As more and more people are going out into the world of their own, they have to survive and thrive as a human being. That includes being not only intelligent in that certain field to do good, but also good enough to not screw up your life while learning everything. Now some people say that “If parents did their job, schools wouldn’t have to teach it.” Responding to that argument can be kind of hard, this is because not every single person is in the same situation. Now it would be great if every single parent would have a good enough understanding in financial knowledge to teach it to their children. However, that utopia wouldn’t really be possible because not every single parent knows the skills that their student needs for the future, now in this research paper a lot about financial education was brought up, and while that is a really important skill needed for the future, that is not the only skill need for life. Crucial skills such as cooking and cleaning skills are also really important, because with this knowledge you will know how to not burn down your own house or how to keep a clean house in order to not attract rats and things like that. While there are a bunch of eligible parents to teach these skills, that is not every single parents. According to Jack Flynn, who made an article about financial literacy stats of 2023, said “Only 57% of American Adults are financially literate.” This means that 43% of the parents in this earth won't be able to teach their children these important skills it takes to live. That is not even considering the facts if their parents are struggling with something and aren’t able to be a parent or if a kid’s parent left him and he is now and orphan. These skills are important to life, not only live but to thrive in this society that won't teach you such things without having to take an elective. Speaking of electives, many people want to only take electives to boost their academics to try to get into a good college and get a high paying job, and not to take electives to learn things they don’t need right now, and that is excluding the fact of not every school has those electives. Bringing these courses into the normal school curriculum is the only way to fix these problems we are having today. School needs to be better; we don’t need to rely on parents or electives that may or may not be in your school to teach you these skills. Schools need to be better for the next generation, for our children, and grandchildren.

The American Public Schooling System has been a while, and while we have survived until now, we need a reform to happen in schools. There are a couple of options when thinking about thinking these issues. One of them being adding life skills into the school curriculum as a class you need to take, this class would include simple skills such as how to cook and clean, but also complex skills such as how to fill out taxes and how to budget and manage your money. How ever there are a couple of problems with this, one it won’t change the curriculum too much and there will still be tons of info that is taught and mandated that isn’t used in 63% of jobs that will waste precious time. So, another solution must be thought of, one of these solutions being charter schools. Charter schools are a different type of education that has a little bit more flexibility in their curriculum, as they can focus on things like college prep, fine arts, and more. There are charter school all over America, 7,800 to be exact according to Michigan’s Charter Schools, some charter schools with free access and some require tuition. This charter school system is close perfect, with a more open curriculum they are allowed to choose what they want to study in including your future career and even things that will help you later on in life. However, we are at a situation in our society in which public schools are the more attended system, with 10% of students being attended in charter schools (Michigan’s Charter Schools). This massive problem needs to be fixed, and it will be. Until then the generations are growing up in the “Sit down shut up and learn” school system will have a lesser education and will have to grow up with out the information the school system is failing to give you, and instead leaving with random information you wont really need in your future careers, most of them. This change will happen eventually, unless we all get chips in our brains that give us the knowledge of everything, but until then we have to band up in order to come out on top even when school isn’t doing their jobs.

The public school system is failing. All throughout this paper, reasons and reasons have been given to you on why this is happening. Whether that being schools aren’t teaching you skills you need for the future or the fact that this outdated education system is teaching you things most jobs don’t need. So the real question you need to ask yourself is, “Do you want your future children and grandchildren to grow up with out a proper education and have them struggling in life as an adult, or do you want your future children or grandchildren to thrive in this society when they eventually grow up and leave your kind care.” Because if I think I know the answer to that question, and I think I do, it is imperative for a reform to take place and for the America Public Schooling System to make a massive change to fix these problems we are having in our society.

The American Public Schooling System has been around for a while, during its time when it first came around it was effective, however now as jobs got added and as they grew more complex, the Public School System is failing. Through out that time period, the schooling system didn’t really change a whole lot. The industrial revolution, when we first started getting factories, ended around the same time the age grouping schooling system started, a system in school in which we separate students by grade and age, and nothing else, which is the system we have today. This all culminated into the american public schooling system failing in today’s date, as statistics show 4/10 of students aren’t ready for life after public school (Diament), and students are wasting time on things they will not use in their life.


            Only 37% of the info you learn at school will be used. That is 13 Years of learning random info because Horace Mann, the Secretary of Education in 1837, made that school curriculum that is failing students, and looking at it today, it has not changed much. According to De Rudder-Tanović, CEO and Founder of Bloom School Sarajevo, the current school system is “A Factory School Model” which she defined it as, “The Factory School System was a way of organizing education during the Industrial Revolution. It's like a factory, with standardized lessons, teachers in charge, and students grouped by age. It aimed to give all children access to education and prepare them for working in factories.” When you look close into that quote you will see, “preparing for factories” that is the entire point of this system. That might have been insanely effective in the time of when this system was made in the industrial revolution where factory workers were in need, however sense most of our production has moved over seas to cut cost the school system didn’t change. Now factory workers are still in need, but all of these amazing jobs have popped up and the Factory School Model is not preparing these people for the future. Times have changed a lot and the future of students, and the jobs have changed a whole lot. One example of this being pretty much everything with technology sense back when this system was put in place, in the late 18th century the technology was a little bit lacking in term of todays time sense so many inventions have come into this world and no change to the school model has happened. Times have changed and there needs to be a change in this school system, for the future of your children and the people that have to take over our society when we get too old to carry on.


After your time in the public schooling system, you need to survive and be ok by yourself with out the help of you parents. Sometimes people go to college, sometimes they stay home and work, and sometimes the move out and work, what ever it is you need to be able to live as a human being. One massive part of this new adventure that you need to be great in is financial education. You need to know how to fill out taxes, budget for everything, and know what to do with the check you get from work, or even to know how to pay for college, if your going down that route. This person is just sent into the wild and left to fend for themselves or hire some with the money you don’t know how to manage. This is why schools should teach financial education and save students from a life of struggling with financials. Now some states do make it required to learn and take a course of financial education, 17 states according to CNN Wire they also point how students are mandated by 39 States to take a Sex Ed, they also point how this is useful, however they do overall point out that Financial Education is very important to someones life and they also point out the negligence of financial education compared the widespread teaching of sex education. They also pointed out the fact that financial education is just as important as something like sex-ed and it is crucial to teach both of these useful skills. Now, you might think that there is no connection between the fact of people taking a financial class and them being well of financially, however according to Jessica Dickler in CNBC, “One recent report found a lifetime benefit of roughly $100,000 per student from taking a one-semester course in personal finance during high school.” Without taking financial literacy courses there is a more likely chance and possibility to having higher debts and being bankrupted. There very needs to be a reform to financial education being taught quickly, because as CNN Wire puts it, “Any delay by not adding financial education, is one more generation is going out of High School without those skills or knowledge.”

As more and more people are going out into the world of their own, they have to survive and thrive as a human being. That includes being not only intelligent in that certain field to do good, but also good enough to not screw up your life while learning everything. Now some people say that “If parents did their job, schools wouldn’t have to teach it.” Responding to that argument can be kind of hard, this is because not every single person is in the same situation. Now it would be great if every single parent would have a good enough understanding in financial knowledge to teach it to their children. However, that utopia wouldn’t really be possible because not every single parent knows the skills that their student needs for the future, now in this research paper a lot about financial education was brought up, and while that is a really important skill needed for the future, that is not the only skill need for life. Crucial skills such as cooking and cleaning skills are also really important, because with this knowledge you will know how to not burn down your own house or how to keep a clean house in order to not attract rats and things like that. While there are a bunch of eligible parents to teach these skills, that is not every single parents. According to Jack Flynn, who made an article about financial literacy stats of 2023, said “Only 57% of American Adults are financially literate.” This means that 43% of the parents in this earth won't be able to teach their children these important skills it takes to live. That is not even considering the facts if their parents are struggling with something and aren’t able to be a parent or if a kid’s parent left him and he is now and orphan. These skills are important to life, not only live but to thrive in this society that won't teach you such things without having to take an elective. Speaking of electives, many people want to only take electives to boost their academics to try to get into a good college and get a high paying job, and not to take electives to learn things they don’t need right now, and that is excluding the fact of not every school has those electives. Bringing these courses into the normal school curriculum is the only way to fix these problems we are having today. School needs to be better; we don’t need to rely on parents or electives that may or may not be in your school to teach you these skills. Schools need to be better for the next generation, for our children, and grandchildren.

The American Public Schooling System has been a while, and while we have survived until now, we need a reform to happen in schools. There are a couple of options when thinking about thinking these issues. One of them being adding life skills into the school curriculum as a class you need to take, this class would include simple skills such as how to cook and clean, but also complex skills such as how to fill out taxes and how to budget and manage your money. How ever there are a couple of problems with this, one it won’t change the curriculum too much and there will still be tons of info that is taught and mandated that isn’t used in 63% of jobs that will waste precious time. So, another solution must be thought of, one of these solutions being charter schools. Charter schools are a different type of education that has a little bit more flexibility in their curriculum, as they can focus on things like college prep, fine arts, and more. There are charter school all over America, 7,800 to be exact according to Michigan’s Charter Schools, some charter schools with free access and some require tuition. This charter school system is close perfect, with a more open curriculum they are allowed to choose what they want to study in including your future career and even things that will help you later on in life. However, we are at a situation in our society in which public schools are the more attended system, with 10% of students being attended in charter schools (Michigan’s Charter Schools). This massive problem needs to be fixed, and it will be. Until then the generations are growing up in the “Sit down shut up and learn” school system will have a lesser education and will have to grow up with out the information the school system is failing to give you, and instead leaving with random information you wont really need in your future careers, most of them. This change will happen eventually, unless we all get chips in our brains that give us the knowledge of everything, but until then we have to band up in order to come out on top even when school isn’t doing their jobs.

The public school system is failing. All throughout this paper, reasons and reasons have been given to you on why this is happening. Whether that being schools aren’t teaching you skills you need for the future or the fact that this outdated education system is teaching you things most jobs don’t need. So the real question you need to ask yourself is, “Do you want your future children and grandchildren to grow up with out a proper education and have them struggling in life as an adult, or do you want your future children or grandchildren to thrive in this society when they eventually grow up and leave your kind care.” Because if I think I know the answer to that question, and I think I do, it is imperative for a reform to take place and for the America Public Schooling System to make a massive change to fix these problems we are having in our society.



Works Cited

Diament, Michelle. "High-School Students Are Poorly Prepared for College, Survey Finds." The Chronicle of Higher Education, vol. 51, no. 24, 18 Feb. 2005. Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints, Accessed 22 Apr. 2024.

Dickler, Jessica. "You can put a price tag on the value of a personal finance education: $100,000." CNBC.Com, NBC and Cablevision, 17 Feb. 2024, Accessed 26 Apr. 2024.

"Sex Ed Is Required. Why Isn't Financial Education?" CNN Wire, 4 Sept. 2016. Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints, Accessed 22 Apr. 2024.

Tanović, Maëlys De Rudder. The Factory School Model – A Breakthrough of the Past, A challenge of the Present. Linkedin, Reid Hoffman, 26 Sept. 2024,ć#:~:text=Characteristics%20of%20the%20Factory%20School%20Model&text=Students%20are%20grouped%20together%20based,supervisors%20on%20an%20assembly%20line. Accessed 26 Apr. 2024.

Association, Michigan Charter School. "Michigan's Charters School.", Michigan Charter School Association, Accessed 2 May 2024.

The author's comments:

This is a piece of writing i wrote when i was in my sophomore year, my teacher thought it was pretty thought out and a good piece of writting, plus this is for extra credit so send it.

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