Why Buy? | Teen Ink

Why Buy?

April 30, 2024
By cwoissan SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
cwoissan SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
8 articles 2 photos 11 comments

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Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard of luxury brands such as Gucci, Dior, Louis Vuitton, and other companies with influence such as Supreme. Of course, since these brands are luxury, the products they supply come with a hefty price tag. But why buy these items when you could purchase something far better that doesn’t break the bank?

Now, I’m not just talking about the things these brands are known for, such as bags or perfumes. (however, you could get something way cheaper!) I’m also focusing on the other products they’ve made that are not typically produced for a luxe audience. A great example of this are the Gucci colored pencils. Yes, these 735 dollar colored pencils come in a nice case, but the quality of the pencils themselves is subpar. You can purchase a 20 dollar tin of Prismacolor colored pencils that blend well and draw smoothly. The Gucci ones, however, perform about the same as a Crayola pencil, which is incredibly disappointing for something so expensive.

The target audience for these products is obviously for rich people who can dish out such money, however quality can be an issue with these products. Going back to Gucci, they made a bathing suit (which is not cheap!) that can’t even be worn in the water. What’s the point of such inferior products? Why pay such extravagant prices for them? The point is so people can flex their wealth and gain social status. I mean, what even is the point of a 165 dollar “Supreme Brick” other than to show you can afford it?

Yes, I am well aware that the main products are high quality (or at least I’d assume). The thing is, that’s what they specialize in. If you’re making the same things for years, of course you’d find a way to perfect the production process and the quality. However, when you try to sell something different, those products will likely be inferior to their significantly cheaper counterparts. These different products are made just so the companies can make more money. Once they establish a huge brand, they can sell anything they want so their meat-munchers can purchase it, no matter how terrible the product is.

The point that I’m trying to make is that these things exist just to make ordinary people feel abysmal. I was at the mall the other day and felt so poor when walking through the “luxury section”. There were your typical brands there, Gucci, Jimmy Choo, Louis Vuitton, but there were also stores that I hadn’t even heard of. Those stores required you to be invited just so you could go in. Imagine being so “high-end” that only the top 1% can enter! How stupid is that?

Why pay for these items when you could buy something cheaper? For the average person, we scoff at these absurd prices and purchase something better for far less. These brands have a certain demographic, and I understand that. But from my perspective, luxury products are often overpriced, and buyers are purchasing it for the brand. It is human nature to show the nice things we have, but when people are paying over a grand on a small bag, I consider it quite silly.

To put it simply, don’t spend your money on something you can’t afford just because it makes you look “superior”. Instead, buy something that doesn’t break the bank and something you truly enjoy. Unless you’re rich, it isn’t worth it.

The author's comments:

I understand that these brands have their own demographic, but why purchase something so expensive?

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