Grouplove Gets Groovy | Teen Ink

Grouplove Gets Groovy

January 20, 2014
By Emilyparr1 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Emilyparr1 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
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Grouplove, a US based indie band originating from California in 2009, released on September 17th, titled Spreading Rumours, which students are raving about.

Spreading Rumors features top these 40 hits: “Ways to Go,” and “Borderlines and Aliens.”

The band consists of Hannah Hooper, vocals and on keys; Christian Zucconi, on vocals and guitar; Sean Gadd, on bass and on vocals; Andrew Wessen, guitar and vocals; and Ryan Rabin on drums.

Morgan, sophomore, says, “I love how in this album the listener is able to hear the voice of Christian Zucconi more prominently. His voice is lovely.”

Their first album, Never Trust A Happy Song, was places among 2011’s most popular albums.

Megan, a junior in high school, says, “ I liked all their old albums in the past just as much,” “Spreading Rumours is definitely more mellow but their sound is still catchy and upbeat in general.”

With the new release of their album, it was given 5 out of 5 stars on itunes based on listeners rating of people who bought the album.
However, Megan says, “This album was well awaited for, but it felt like we had to wait too long,” “ I bought it as soon as I could the next day at Target.”

Students around the school, including Megan and Morgan, have recommended this album to other listeners to try out. Baretl says, “ I really do recommend this album to other students because I feel like it’s something that a lot of high schoolers would enjoy to listen to with their friends.

Morgan says, “ I would recommend this album to others because I would love for the band to become more successful and known.”
There was a possible fall tour for Grouplove this fall, 2013.

Megan says, “ Wow, I’m really excited for this, I hope they come to MIilwaukee this fall.”

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