Marvel vs DC | Teen Ink

Marvel vs DC

June 1, 2024
By Anonymous

Marvel Studios is very famous and well known all around the world. DC Comics, on the other hand, is still famous but not as cool. Marvel is better than DC because the characters’ backstories and powers are more powerful and are actually interesting. Marvel’s superheroes, The Avengers, also always catch the enemy.

One reason Marvel characters are better than DC characters is that they have much better backstories. For example, Iron Man (Marvel) was exploded by a bomb and needed a device to keep the iron in his body away from his heart. On the other hand, the Flash (DC) was struck by lightning and somehow survived and obtained superspeed.

The main reason Marvel is better than DC is that the Marvel characters always catch the enemy. For instance, they caught and chopped Thanos’ head off in Avengers: Endgame. But heroes like Superman(DC) only save the day. Meaning, the lex luthor comes back every time. He never gets caught and always gets away.

Also, the Justice League (DC) may have some ok powers but The Avengers are much more powerful. This is because they defeated the biggest, baddest villain in the galaxy, Thanos. If It weren’t for them half of the universe would be gone right now. Someone needs a lot of power to defeat an all-powerful alien. All the Justice League can do is scare off a clown with poisonous smoke bombs.

Marvel is better than DC because their characters have cooler and more powerful heroes. DC is really cheesy and Marvel is fun to watch. And don’t forget, Marvel always catches the bad guy.

(batman is better tho)

The author's comments:

I was 11 years old when I wrote this and had absolutely no clue how to actually form an argumentative essay. I would just like to share some comedy in how poorly written this essay was.

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