My Family | Teen Ink

My Family

May 27, 2016
By Anonymous

My family has a variety of personalities. When it comes to my dad, he is more more like an alfa, vocal and vigorous. Not in the sense of undermining everyone in the room, but the sense that he can voice his opinion in the calmest manner possible, throwing a couple jokes in while he’s at it. My dad is like a comedian. He doesn’t take life too seriously, but when he gets angry he is like a monster.

My sister is more laid back. She is shorter than everyone else and tends to stay out of arguments or unnecessary drama. When someone juggles a joke, she is bound to burst out and laugh. She does only the things she is comfortable doing, trusts only the people she is comfortable trusting, and when she doesn’t like you, you will know by the way she doesn’t look at you when you talk.

Me? I’m more reserved. When it comes to meeting a lot of new people at once it takes time for me to warm up. Sometimes I can warm up right away in small groups and my excessive talking will come through. I hate to be by myself, but when I am, I always listen to music with my headphones cranked up to the max.

My family has a variety of personalities. Each one different than the other, but in some cases the same.

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