Nothing but Myself | Teen Ink

Nothing but Myself

June 3, 2024
By Judy BRONZE, Jinan, Other
Judy BRONZE, Jinan, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

  I heard an article just now, and I think this passage is quite meaningful for me.

  I am a high school student, and entering a good college become my priority. The teacher who works in the counseling office told me that the most important thing in this process is to clarify which subjects you would like to learn in the future. But actually, I don't know what I like to learn, which means that I cannot clear my direction. It is pretty confusing.

  But now, after listening to that lecture, I suddenly realize that I just need to follow myself, I don't need to consider how much money will I earn in the future if I decide to learn this subject, or which city can I stay if I go to that college.

  What I need to do is just follow my heart, the inside part of my body instead of considering what other people would say if I choose to go in this way.

The author's comments:

For me, for us.

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