Mother Knows Best | Teen Ink

Mother Knows Best

May 31, 2024
By Anonymous

Tears streamed down my face, “You don't need friends when you have your mom,” my Mom said trying to comfort me. At the time I didn't believe her. In the mind of a freshman girl, nothing mattered more than having a friend group. “ Why do they all hate me?” I asked with a shaking voice. “They're just jealous.” she replied. But I knew that wasn't it. Am I annoying? Am I a bad friend? Thoughts filled my head convincing me that I was a horrible person. I started to realize they were distancing from me more and more everyday. They didn't invite me to hangout,threw pool parties without me and ignored my texts. That's when I knew they didn't like me anymore. But why? My Mom’s answers were not convincing. Why would they be jealous of me? “Just trust me,” she said. 

I woke up one morning at 10am to what seemed to be a million texts in a group chat I was in with my friend group. I started reading the paragraphs asking things like “When does it start?” and “What are you guys wearing?”. “When does what start I wonder,” because I sure don't remember being invited. I texted them saying, “What's happening?” and they all texted “Nothing.” in unison. They didn't send another text after that. I assumed they made a new group chat without me talking about their exciting plans I wasn't invited to. Later in the day, one of my friends posted a photo on their private story. I tap to view it and it's a picture of all of them together in the pool. I dropped my phone. Tears began to well in my eyes as I realized it was another thing I wasn't invited to. The evil thoughts immediately flooded my head. “What did I do wrong?” “Why am I never invited?”. Tears streamed down my cheeks as my mom walked into my room with the laundry basket. She dropped it and came over. “Trust me they're just jealous Bi*****,” she said, making me laugh. I didn't believe her at first but now I know she's right. She has been my biggest supporter my entire life no matter what. Beyond the fact that she's my mom she's also my best friend. When I come home from school, she asks me about all the drama and gossip.  She hates all the people I hate and asks “Who do I need to fight,”. She never fails to make me laugh and feel better .She always says, “You have to believe me I don't lie.” 

I wasn't the girl with a million friends. My one friend that I could always rely on was with me the whole time. She laughs with me, cries with me and is always by my side. When other girls didn't invite me somewhere she'd offer to take me shopping or do something else fun. She doesn't know that the small things she did for me weren't so small. She made me feel in a way that I did matter and that those girls were in fact just jealous.  My Mom is the first person I turn to for everything. Between gossip at school, my first crush, and telling her about the kids who got suspended she was always there to listen. Although we've had our fair share of arguments and slammed doors, my Mom was always the one who lent me an open ear. I am forever grateful for the relationship I have with my beautiful Mom. 

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