Will You Dare? | Teen Ink

Will You Dare?

November 13, 2015
By _PaaLee BRONZE, Sacramento, California
_PaaLee BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Will you dare to ever suffer between life or death? Think about tsunami, it is the worst natural disaster to experience. For example, either if you die or not, you will have to suffer through the debris. Debris can occur under a tsunami, it will be a horrible thing to experience. Even though others are horrible too.

There can be over 100,000 debris, depending on how big the place is. In 2011, Japan had a tsunami that most occurs in Tohoku, had made many lost love ones and destroyed homes that cost a fortune to ever had it back. In the other hand, other natural disaster are horrible too, but not as much as suffering between life and death like a tsunami. Tsunami occurs when water lengths are not balance. During a tsunami, it can occur two strong waves at a time, and it can be worst. It destroys buildings, homes, objects, and nature. Not just tornadoes that turns objects into weapons, tsunami does too and you cannot and will not see it coming.  Thinking of escaping? You can never escape a tsunami, can never run or hide but you can be smart and climb to tall objects. Usually depends on the area you are at, feel lucky if you are around no sharp objects nearby.

This will be the worst natural disaster ever to experience. Can u ever imaging that it is you? Who are you going to be? One of the brave ones, or be one of the weak ones. It causes many deaths, and you do not want that to happen, this is what makes natural disasters horrible, but tsunami is the worst part.

The author's comments:

I want to share this out beacause i want people to know how and why tsunami is the worst natural disaster of all

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