Help Stop Pollution | Teen Ink

Help Stop Pollution

May 27, 2014
By Anonymous

Almost all problems have a solution. People don’t realize that pollution is unsanitary to them so they decide to not do anything about it. People do realize that pollution is killing the environment as well destroying the water, the plants and the air we breathe. Even though people don’t feel like it’s their responsibility to help stop pollution but people should help stop pollution because it’s unhealthy to humans and its killing the environment.
The number one reason to help stop pollution is that it’s harmful to humans. Scientist estimated 160 million tons of pollutants that have gone into the air we breathe every year (Water Pollution). American Lung Association stated that 2012 have more than 127 million Americans live in places unhealthy to humans. (Water Pollution). By 2020, it has been predicted that most people will be living in urban areas (Water Pollution). That’s why we need to start helping.
Pollution isn’t just harmful to humans but its killing our environment. The U.S. has produced 250 million tons of solid waste (Water Pollution). Even worse we have caused more than 40% of America’s lakes, rivers, and estuaries become to polluted to drink, fish, or swim (Water Pollution). Thirty percent of the U.S. consists of solid waste (Water Pollution). Pollution’s hurting the environment while we sit back and watch it happen and don’t do anything.
Some people would disagree because people don’t feel like it’s their responsibility to stop pollution. People have stated that pollutants become fertilizer downstream, and can actually increase crop yield. Another thing people say that pollutants are acceptable because we live in industrialized society. People may not agree to help stop pollution.
People don’t feel like it’s their job to stop pollution. People realize that pollutions destroying the environment we all know but don’t do anything the thing they don’t realize is that pollutions also hurting humans at the same time and we choose not to do anything about it. If we can use environmentally safe products, recycle everything you can, and not litter we can stop pollution. It’s not possible to stop pollution if only a few people help try to stop pollution so go out and help put an end to pollution.

The author's comments:
We need to help stop pollution before it's to late.

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