Nanotechnology | Teen Ink


May 15, 2014
By Anonymous

According to The definition of Nanotechnology is “A technology executed on a scale of less than 100 nanometers.” The smallest object the naked human eye can see is .1 millimeter, and 100 nanometers is .0001 millimeters. Nanotechnology is 100 thousand times smaller than the human eye can see. Nanotechnology has the possibility to change the environment. Nanotechnology can reduce the amount of waste thrown into the environment. According to “Materials can become lighter, Stronger, and more durable.” Nanotechnology could be used on a road to help seal from environmental damage and make them last longer than our current roads in the United States today. Nanotechnology can “Cleanse, antioxidant, antimicrobial, materials.” This could be use to target many large diseases that affect humanity today. Nanotechnology could possibly help break down radioactive materials or Radioactive dead zones. Nanotechnology has the power to help the way Humanity can live, and survive.

The author's comments:
I think that the United States should peruse more in Nanotechnology

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