Go To 2040 Plan | Teen Ink

Go To 2040 Plan

April 26, 2014
By Loren5050 BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
Loren5050 BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A community issues that interest me the most would be lack of importance and littering. By lack of importance I am referring to the older youth that consume drugs freely at open airs. Where there are children playing and obviously inhaling the open air. Furthermore, I believe this is a problem for older youth to not take inconsideration that there are children around their surroundings and for there to be garbage thrown on the sidewalk rather than inside a garbage cans.

I can contribute towards helping solve community issues such as littering by having garbage cans at nearby community parks. In order to stop littering and keeping our environment green.
Overtime I envision our region in the year 2040 to be better improved and for people to have our community clean.

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