A Waste Of Money | Teen Ink

A Waste Of Money

February 27, 2014
By Anonymous

People all over the world have been waiting for the day that we will no longer need laptops, cell phones, or GPS devices. Many people do not know that day is already here, thanks to Google Glass. Now, because of Google Glass, laptops, GPS’s, and other electronic devices are no longer needed in the world . CNN news, Google recently announced information about their new glasses that can do similar things that a laptop or cell phone can do. Also on New York Times News, a reporter announced “Glass has a lot of the same features as a mobile phone.” If it has a significant amount of similar features, why not just keep using mobile phones instead of spending so much more money on something that does basically the same things. On New York Times News, a reported stated, “Google suggests that people who use the wearable computer shouldn’t overly engage with it in public because they will look strange if they are standing around staring up into the air for no apparent reason.” Which that reporter made a great point. Which means people in general need to not use Google Glass if its not needed, because its a huge waste of time from doing nothing important that could be spent talking to friends or reading a book. People nowadays are so attached to their electronic devices and they’re not seeing what’s happening in the world. Which is why we should not buy Google glasses because it will ruin society and it is eventually going to be a waste of money.

There is absolutely no point in spending so much money on unimportant things like, Google Glasses because eventually in life they will just sit on the shelf in a closet and there will be absolutely no use for them. According to a reporter from CNN, it is nearly $225 just to buy the frames to Google’s Glasses. In order to buy the lenses of the glasses it is around $150, and for the main electronic piece it is $1,500. Which is roughly around $2,000 for the entire pair of glasses. Eventually everyone will either want or have a pair of Google Glasses, and half of the world will have no clue what to do with them or how to even use them. On CNN, Google had recently announced that their new Google Glass will solve everyone's problem of being glued to their electronics, but really they didn’t. They just made an electronic device that will be with someone wherever they go, and people in the world will get even more glued to electronics thanks to Google.One person that tested the new Google Glass recently said in Indiana Times “Google Glasses will make people manly.” Sure they might make people appear to be manly, but also it will make it look like people are spending thousands of dollars on something that is not needed. Instead of buying Google Glass, you could do something fun like going to see a movie or going to eat in a fancy restaurant.

After people begin wanting and buying a pair of Google Glasses, some insurance companies announced they will start paying for half the price. On CNN a reporter announced that VSP insurance company already agreed to pay for the prescription lenses and frames to the new Google Glass. Therefore, anyone who wants a pair of Google Glass, only has to pay for the electronic piece of the glasses. A reporter from NBC news announced “So far, VSP is the only insurance company to cover wearables.” On BITZ news it says, “Mr. Parviz, an associate professor from the University of Washington, invented a piece that can go with the recently invented Google Glasses. He invented a lens that goes inside of the human eye, like a contact, that has electronics embedded into it and it can display things like tiny pixels to the human eye.” If people start to buy these contacts from the company that is making them, it will be even more money wasted on an electronic device that might only be used once. These contacts could possibly ruin everybody’s vision and reduce their observational skills.

Thanks to Google, society will become more and more glued to their electronics and they will miss out on so much stuff in the world. People in the world will pay more attention to their electronics than they already do. According to New York Daily News, a group of so-called “Google Glass haters” attacked a woman in a bar only because she was wearing Google’s new product. There was also another attack at a different bar in San Francisco because of Google Glass, according to Los Angeles Times. There was a third report of a Google Glass user being attacked and robbed at another bar, says a reporter from San Francisco. This new Google product can and will eventually hurt society, especially if the people continue to get attacked because of a pair of glasses. Soon everyone will become way more attached to Google Glasses and other electronics than they should be. I’m afraid that one day the whole world will be run by computers. Therefore people in the world should try their best to not use Google Glasses or any other types of technology based objects unless needed. If people in general start purchasing Google Glass, then Google will start coming out with more advanced and expensive technology that will come even closer to destroying society.

Google says on CNN, “Google Glass, worn like regular glasses, has a high-resolution display and lets wearers use voice commands to shoot photos or videos and access features like e-mail, text messaging, Google Maps, Google search and a handful of other apps.” In New York Times News, a reporter announced “Glass has a lot of the same features as a mobile phone.” If it has a lot of the same features, then why not keep using the devices that you already own. Which means that the money in which would have been spent on Google Glass, can now be spent on something more important.

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