Malama i ka honua | Teen Ink

Malama i ka honua

February 26, 2014
By soapie_p BRONZE, KEAAU, Hawaii
soapie_p BRONZE, KEAAU, Hawaii
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Today many people across the state forget to realize that our earth is dying. We dispose of trash where its not meant to be. And we pollute our water with waste that’s terrible for our environment. Cars release toxic gasses that can eventually block out the sun. We as a people need to improve, because the bottom line is, if we don’t do something now our earth will die out because of the human race. Here in Hawaii billions of tons of trash is disposed either on land or into the ocean. Our native animals have to pay the price, they cant tell if it’s food or not. Many are even born with trash stuck to them. Although Littering is a crime that could easily happen, here on Hawaii there are many consequences in doing do. You would either have to spend up to eight hours of clean up on private property, or pay a fine of up to $1,000. What’s worse is what is being thrown out. Plastic, glass, batteries, cans, paper, and even worse, 50% of our trash is cigarette butts. So not only are they’re many smokers, but they decided to leave that trash all over their homeland. Now many people will say “Malama I ka ‘?ina” well I say “Malama I ka honua”. Why just watch over your area, when you could help the entire community. When in town there’s a small piece of trash, why not just dispose of it where it should go? We need to help the earth, it has been our ancestor since the beginning of time, its helped us in the past. We need to help her back.

The author's comments:
I hope this will inspire the hearts of many so that our earth may heal.

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