Zoo Who | Teen Ink

Zoo Who

November 21, 2013
By Kelly Lewis BRONZE, Kenner, Louisiana
Kelly Lewis BRONZE, Kenner, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Zoos are the theater in which an assortment of animals is displayed for the public’s enjoyment; however, are the zoo’s intentions commendable? Some say zoos are great and should be allowed to confine animals but others beg to differ. With regards to an animal’s well-being, people say that animals are wild and should be left to roam untamed. Along with this opinion, many bring the zoo’s habitats to attention. Apparently, their habitats appear to be unnatural. In a zoo, animals are not forced to hunt and find their own food because they are given it without having to search. Although all of these opinions remain relevant, others strongly believe that zoos are an essential part of society. Zoos are an excellent source of research and protection for the animals and entertainment for the people.

Just think. What would we know about animals if we did not confine them and observe their routine actions? Nothing. We would know absolutely nothing. Our scientists and zoologists would not be able to successfully test and observe the behavior of animals. Picture this. What if an animal came up to you and you had no idea what it was? Would it bite you and eat you? Would it chase you? Without the proper research of animals, we would not be able to predict what an animal would do if it confronted you. With this being said, the confinement of animals in zoos is extremely important in learning about their behavior.
Ever think about the animals that were alive before man? To prevent any more species from becoming extinct, zoos capture an endangered species and force it to reproduce in the zoo. Like the Secret Service protects the president of the United States by guarding the president’s every move, we protect the animals from natural predators by confining them in their own, safe environment. Now ask yourself this. Would caging the alligators with the ducks be a smart idea? No, not at all. Since the animals of different species are caged separately, they cannot harm or threaten each other. With this being said, the confinement of animals in zoos is extremely important in protecting the endangered animals from extinction.
Besides research and protection, zoos also give ample amounts of entertainment to the public. While some say zoos are boring and pointless, others thoroughly enjoy watching the humorous animals. Take monkeys for instance. My God, are they fun to interact with! They enjoy throwing things at onlookers, swinging from tree to tree, and grooming each other. The laughter of the people watching their every move is non-stop. With this being said, the confinement of animals in zoos is extremely important in entertaining the public with the showcase of animals.
Zoos are meant to allow people to understand animals. Understanding an animal is important with everyday life considering most of you would not want to come into contact with an unknown animal. The zoo allows people to research and learn about the actions and behaviors of each animal. The protection of animals is most important because the endangered species can become extinct. Do you want to see a world full of people with no animals in it whatsoever or do you want to see a variety of animals living with the people? Zoos also give entertainment. Most animals are hilarious to watch and interacting with them is quite enjoyable. Would you like to laugh at the animals because of their funny actions? Fellow peers, zoos are a great thing used for multiple reasons other than the ones stated. For Christ’s sake, keep the zoos here, keep the animals healthy, and keep the people happy!

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