Animal Rights | Teen Ink

Animal Rights

November 8, 2013
By JSheram BRONZE, MArietta, Georgia
JSheram BRONZE, MArietta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Animal Rights

We as humans are not alone on this planet, we share it with other animals. Because we share this world we have an obligation to look after and care for the other animals, unfortunately we have not been doing our job. Humans have cut down major forests leaving thousands of animals homeless, we have over hunted many animals and nearly driven them towards extinction, and some people even abuse their own pets. People treat animals poorly because they look down on them, they forget that we ourselves are animals. This issue is an ongoing one as we continue to infringe upon the rights of our fellow animals and is an issue we must take action against.
This issue is such a pressing matter because even as a type, there is animal suffering. It is a non-stopping crisis and each moment we fail to take action, an animal is having its rights stripped away. We have fooled ourselves into believing animals only need us, in actuality we need them too. We need cows for the milk they produce, we need sheep for their wool. Animals give even more than they take unlike us humans, which is why one might question: why are we so cruel to them? It is because we have put ourselves up on a pedestal above all other animals, tricking ourselves into believing that we our somehow better than and more entitled than the rest of the animals. We have a false sense of superiority that is threatening animals everywhere. Despite what we have tricked ourselves into thinking, we depend on these animals, we need to get ourselves under control and treat other animals with some dignity and respect.
We can stop this abuse by giving more consideration to our animal friends. By donating money to organizations like PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) which is the largest animal rights organization which focuses on the fair treatment of animals, or ASPCA which is a humane organization which focuses on taking care of abused and mistreated animals. Organizations like these are doing their parts in protecting animal rights and preventing the mistreatment or abuse of animals. These organizations see the value of animal life and stride towards bringing equality across species, in order to form a better world with less injustice.
You can judge people by the way they treat animals. It tells a lot about a person’s or a group’s character. Gandhi once said, “The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” The way we treat weaker species than our selves, reflects our morality. It reflects who we really are and what our character is. It tells shows people what we would do with greater strength and power.
We are a part of a worldwide community with animals, and we must do out part to insure a just world. We must stop our greed and move forward. We must treat all with equality, even if it is another species, as we are all neighbors in the world community. Animals cannot speak up for themselves which is exactly why it is our duty to stand up and speak out for them. We must stop abuse from occurring to them. We humans are powerful enough to fight back when our rights are stripped away, animals are not, and so we must do the honorable thing and fight for them to bring peace to the world.

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