Animal Rights | Teen Ink

Animal Rights

November 6, 2013
By Anonymous

Each day, animals experience cruelty and injustice from the world. Be it testing chemical products inside laboratories or abuse of domesticated friends, animals live in an unkind world. Homes are destroyed in an attempt to further our own selfish needs. These poor animals are derivatives of nature, and we rely on their survival. When one is hurt, all is hurt. When one is damaged, all is damaged. Is the development of new luxuries worth more than the guilt on the soul? Is the anger from work going to reside after being taken out on the dog? Is it necessary to expand our reach on the Earth, and negate the reach of those who should be our friends?
Don’t let this injustice stand any longer. Now is the time to act. Now is the time to stand up for the weak kid at school. Resist the urge to be the bully, and instead be the mediator. The world is interconnected, and the effects of a single action are felt everywhere else. We cannot afford to let this take place unless we wish to condemn ourselves to a life of pain and torture like that of our prisoners. The rights of animals resemble the rights of men. Why should we be willing to shampoo a mouse with experimental chemicals when we refuse to do it ourselves? The creatures that lived on this world long before ourselves did nothing to deserve this treatment, yet we throw it at them anyway.
Don’t support companies that test products on animals. Don’t build new houses when old ones are already on the market. Support PeTA at and discover more ways to help out.

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