16 Billion Deaths | Teen Ink

16 Billion Deaths

November 1, 2013
By Anonymous

16 Billion Deaths A Day

“We are the living graves of murdered beasts, slaughtered to satisfy our appetites. How can we hope in this world to attain the peace we say we are so anxious for?” – George Bernard Shaw. Animal slaughter and inhumane treatment is getting out of control! More than 16 billion animals are dying every single day! There needs to be restrictions on how humans are treating animals and what animals are being fed. The cruelty towards animals is insane. If humans were put in the same situation that animals were then something would be done. If humans change the way animals are treated it will help the animals, human health and the health and well being of our environment. (“Cruelty”)

Factory restrictions need to be enforced in order to help human health as well as the health of the environment and community. Humans care about their health and the diseases they can get. What some people do not see is that disease and obesity is coming from the meat that they are eating. Animals are being drugging and enhancing animals, companies are able to get more money because they produced such a large amount of meat. People are not hearing this enough but, the meat from those companies can be giving humans heart disease, strokes, several types of cancer, diabetes, and obesity. So why are people not doing anything to help their health? Is it because people don’t know, or because they don’t want to know? Health for our environment is another thing that the majority of people are ignoring. Miles around the animal industries the water, land, and air is being polluted. Also people in the area are at risk for brain damage, chronic sickness, poisoned waterways, and death plague. (“Cruelty”) Health restriction need to be made in the animal slaughter industry’s its hurting the health to humans as well as the health of the environment.

Restrictions need to be made to on animal’s diets, living space, and how they are being treated. Cows, pigs, and fish are only some of the animals that are being treated unfairly for human’s appetite. The two main uses for cows are meat and dairy. Dairy cows are shoved into over crowed pens and are getting commentated with disease such as Milk Fever, Johne’s disease and Bovine Immunodeficiency, which are only some of the diseases that the dairy cows are contagious. Dairy cows are being treated unfairly; the milk machines are cutting them and causing injuries. Some milk machines are killing these creatures because of the electrical shock. Dairy cows are producing 10 times more milk than they should be making. That is unnatural. Dairy cows use to live to 20-25 years but now they are only live 3 to 5 years. Once Dairy cows die they are turned into peoples fast food. (“LCA”) How would you like to be eating meat or drinking milk that is containing diseases?

250 cows are dying every hour! Cows used for beef are burned with an iron hot blade and, on top of that they aren’t getting any anesthetic. Cows that are used for beef are given growth hormones so, those industries are getting more money for less work. Beef cows are very common for getting cancer eye, respiratory diseases and metabolic disorders. To kill cows they are hung upside down and their throat are cut with a knife. (“LCA”) I believe that if we are to kill these animals, that mankind must do it in a humane way.

What humans are doing to sows is inhumane. Sows are literally being put on “rape” tables and, kept being forced to reproduced until they no longer of use or they can’t reproduced quickly enough. If that happens she is put to death. Sows are put in 18 to 24 inch pens. This pen is so incredibly small that the sow can barely stand up and, she is not able to turn around much less walk. The sow is only aloud 2-3 weeks with her baby’s when, she should be with them for 13-17 weeks. The piglets are getting their tails and ears removed without any anesthesia. With the crowed pens and now able to walk the piglets turn to cannibalism. After 6 months of being alive they are sent to the slaughterhouse. The slaughterhouse for the pigs is a lot like how it is for the cows. The pigs are hung upside down, and workers cut their throats to kill them. Sometimes the workers aren’t successful in the dispatching of the animals causing the pig to be boiled alive. (‘LCA”) Who are we are as humans if we letting our own kind do this to other living creatures?

Farmed Fish are another creature that is being treated with cruelty and that is hurting human health. Farmed fish are being put into small enclosures, where the water if filled with chemicals, herbicides, and drugs. Which all those things are being put into human’s body’s after they eat the fish.(“LCA”) It’s unhealthy for humans to be eating all those things.

Over all our health, environments health, and the health of those poor animals is incomparable. Restrictions need to be made on how many animals are kept in a certain place, how much room they have, what they are being feed, and how they are being killed. Befits will come to human health. Also think, how would you feel if you were the one, who was in a cage so small you couldn’t turn around and, what you were being feed made you unable to hold your weight and worst of all the possibility of you being boiled alive?

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This article has 1 comment.

Brenda said...
on Nov. 9 2013 at 4:46 pm
Congratulations to the writer of the article about animal inhumanity. You've obviously done a lot of research and spent a lot of time thinking about this controversial issue. You might want to check out some of the works by Temple Grandin, who shares many of your views. Temple is an autistic adult who has overcome her adversity to produce much research in this field, and she is a pretty fascinating thinker and writer! She lives in your state, too. You also might find kosher food production - especially as it pertains to meat - interesting. The Jewish people - some, not all - have a more humane approach, in keeping with your thoughts.