Cap and Trade Not the Best Solution | Teen Ink

Cap and Trade Not the Best Solution

September 30, 2013
By Anonymous

Cap and Trade is a plan two men came up with for the purpose of reducing CO2. It limits factories and industries with the amount of permits they can pollute each year, until the goal is reached and the CO2 is maintained at that level. It is a market to control the CO2 that is polluting the atmosphere, to reduce pollutants economically. It will “cap” the CO2 so that there will not be room for more of it, and the permits can be traded between companies. For this to happen the government has to accept the laws that involving this.

I think that like everything in life like Cap and Trade has its pros and cons. This organization would be very successful if the people are willing to change some of their habits to contribute in the decreasing of CO2. Businesses and companies will have to start thinking wisely about the permits they will use to pollute. In advantage it would make a healthier environment for all of the country and a cleaner air to breathe from. Like I said before its goal is to reduce pollutants economically, this way fewer companies will afford to pay for the permits and less CO2 is released. I do agree with this organization because it will not only benefit the environment of the country where it happens but the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. This will have an influence in the agriculture of the country because of the rate that crops will start to grow and develop. If there is more CO2 in the air then crops will grow faster. Considering this I think it is minor problem.

Although, I consider Cap and Trade a great idea to help this problem I don’t think it can prosper since the majority of if not all worldwide industries run on fossil fuels. Besides there are a lot of places where they don’t care if the air is polluted they only think about making more and more money. Also there would be monopolies over Cap and Trade maybe causing permits to rise a lot and factory production and the country’s economy to decrease drastically or to freeze. A lot of companies wont be able to afford much of this permits so it will lead to the previous problem. In another way there are industries that demand or need more permits than other, a lot of these companies productivity will drop down drastically once again causing problems in the economy.

Cap and Trade objective is to control the CO2 that is polluting the atmosphere until each country reaches its own goal and maintains the level there. This wouldn’t be possible if it weren’t economically. This solution could work if there would be cheater traders, since the factories that produce more money will be able to afford more permits making them pollute more. Both of the inventor’s accomplishment is to make a healthier environment for all but really with “the devil is in the details” what they really want is to win more money for their own benefit.

As bad as I would like for Cap and Trade to work in a way with efficiency and for no corruption to happen it wont because of many factors I said before. There are more solutions that could work like making recycling organizations, carbon fees, citizen action, strong laws, or solid caps. These solutions would be more congruent and easier for everyone to follow and for the country to accomplish. Once again all of these other solutions have pros and cons.

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