Bugs Bug Me | Teen Ink

Bugs Bug Me

May 24, 2013
By MrBiscuitBomb BRONZE, Spokane, Washington
MrBiscuitBomb BRONZE, Spokane, Washington
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Bugs… Disgusting little crawly things. I hate bugs-not insects, but bugs. There is a difference, insects are creatures who have a positive effect on the world. Bugs, however, don’t. All they do is pester and well… bug.
Noisy bugs are some of the worst, chirping and whining at nothings but the night sky. Insects make noise for a reason to create more insects to make the world better!! The cicada makes the most annoying sound of all the bugs it’s like the six year old of the bug world.
Biting bugs are pretty bad as well making you twitch and itch. The mosquito buzzes up bites into you are and begins to drink slurping up your blood and secreting anti-coagulant saliva into your arm causing the intense itching of a mosquito bite.
Crawling bugs may be the worst of the worst. They wait for you to relax, and then they begin crawling on your arms, your legs, or you’re back—tickling each little hair it touches. Who knows why they want to crawl on you but they do and it is terrible!!!

I hope this essay peaked something in your mind and you now understand these demonic pests must be crushed under the iron boot of man. Rise my brothers and sisters let us crush this menace!!!

The author's comments:
I don't actually hate bugs. I find them to be quite interesting.

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