Renewable Energy Sources | Teen Ink

Renewable Energy Sources

April 28, 2013
By hugo1233 BRONZE, Frederick, Maryland
hugo1233 BRONZE, Frederick, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Greenhouse gases. Pollution. The environment. All these are areas are affected and must be considered when producing energy for everyday needs. Coal, oil, and natural gas, all common sources of energy, are non-renewable. Once a deposit or source of these is depleted it cannot be readily replenished. A completely new source must be sought out in its place. These fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas are classified as non-renewable, so defined as they cannot be replaced easily. While renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power do cost more money than traditional energy produced by fossil fuels, they do have a much greener effect on the environment as they emit little to no greenhouse gases and are continually replenished. Fossil fuels are fossils formed over millions of years, while these alternative sources are produced every day by means such as wind and the sun. These renewable energy sources are viable due to the many benefits that can be attained by using them.

While producing alternative energy less greenhouse gas is emitted, saving the environment from climate changes, such as global warming. Pollution is becoming a rising issue as greenhouse gas levels rise in the atmosphere from long-term dependence on fossil fuels. Long term effects of pollution include a global increase in temperature which harms wildlife, and also increase in sea levels. This increase in temperature harms many different forms of life such as those of the polar bears. Their homes are starting to melt away as the higher temperatures are disturbing their normal lifestyle. On the contrary, renewable energy sources emit close to none when it comes to greenhouse gases. Cutting down on harmful gas emissions will benefit the environment in the long run, and such adaptations to renewable energy are the beginning steps to reducing pollution.

High price cost has long been an issue when discussing alternative energies, but now as more and more methods of using them are discovered, the price continues to drop. The pricing for using alternative energy is coming close to the current prices of coal and other fossil fuels. The prices of these energy sources will continue to drop in price due to the fact that they are renewable, unlike fossil fuels which take millions of years to form. Further research has also been taking place, improving current alternative energies and also decreasing their cost. More money put into funding new energy sources will make it appeal more to the public, as there will be clear advantages to using them.

There is a wide variety of choices for alternative energy. Solar, geothermal, biomass, wind, and hydropower are all available for use. The choices are not only limited to coal, oil, and natural gas. As the economy grows, fossil fuels will not be sufficient for energy needs as the current sources start to dwindle and deplete. The need to find new energy sources is rising, making renewable energy sources a rising option. The future holds many challenges; one of them is being secure in the supply of energy. With this, new sources for energy must be implemented in order to replace the fossil fuels that are running out.

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on Jun. 12 2014 at 8:17 am
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Verd45 said...
on Jan. 27 2014 at 5:15 pm