Yes, We Should Ban the Keeping Of Animals In Zoos | Teen Ink

Yes, We Should Ban the Keeping Of Animals In Zoos

May 3, 2010
By harborlights BRONZE, Janesville, Wisconsin
harborlights BRONZE, Janesville, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 3 comments

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Writing is a form of personal freedom. It frees us from the mass identity we see in the making all around us. In the end, writers will write not to be outlaw heroes of some underculture but mainly to save themselves, to survive as individuals.

Several years ago, the Woburn Safari Park in Bedfordshire, England admitted to killing excess monkeys. The park said that it cost too much to continue to feed the monkeys, so the animals were shot and left to die.

This is just one of the many cases in which animals are mistreated, murdered, and malnourished by humans. Animals should be able to live life in natural environments without any negative influences by humans.

The first reason zoos should be banned is because of the fact that malnutrition, mistreatment, and murder (the three m's) is becoming more and more popular in zoos worldwide. From China to Detroit, animals are not being treated the way animals should be treated. In fact, some animals are not even getting a chance at life. In 2007, the IDA (In Defense of Animals) came out with a top ten list of the worst places for an elephant to go. All ten of the American zoos have had elephants die prematurely there. This is because of mistreatment of animals (improper diet, lack of exercise, unsuitable living conditions, etc.).

Another example of mistreatment in zoos is illegal substances being made from animals. A tiger bone wine, banned in 1993, has been sold on the Chinese black market for several years now. Illegal transactions like this are very easy because of vets at the zoos.

The third reason zoos should be illegal is because they can give visitors the wrong idea about animals. Animals will behave differently in the wild then they will in a closed area. For example, animals in the wild are not given food through a slot in the door. Also, animals in captivity are tamer than animals in the wild, so if someone came across an animal in the wild, they may think it is safe to approach the animal when it is not. People could easily get hurt.

The final reason zoos should be banned is that it is just not morally correct. Humans are animals too. What if animals got smart and decided to capture humans and put them in zoos? Humans, if given the option, would probably choose to be free rather than be gawked at all day.

So in order to keep the circle of life and continue to have animals be a part of the world, humans must take basic steps to maintain the delicate balance between man and beast.

The author's comments:
This is actually an essay I had to write for a debate in my language arts class. I thought it turned out kinda good, so I decided to post it on TeenInk!!

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This article has 47 comments.

Clistemis said...
on Jan. 16 2013 at 10:28 am
we should bann zoos dude!

Giana123 said...
on Dec. 12 2012 at 7:42 am
Well I don't know what to say exept

on Jan. 30 2012 at 1:58 pm
TerraAnimusPatronus BRONZE, Eden, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 61 comments

Favorite Quote:
«You are either the best kept secret or just surrounded by blind people.»

well who the dum idiot the decided to go pet a lion thats not the zoos fualt its the individuals fualt and plus most zoos are humane you never hear about them becuase all you hear about are the bad ones. and great arguement for the planet of the apes movie, but you have your opinion and in reality humans are animals but for animals to get smarter will most likely take millions of years and by that time we would mostlikley become advanced enough to go somewhere else since we used up all of the earths materials sooo

on Jan. 11 2012 at 7:36 pm
Bandana56 BRONZE, Snohomish, Washington
4 articles 0 photos 13 comments
I feel what you're saying. But you also need to know that a LOT of zoo's take really good care of their animals. But i thought your article was written well and you had some good reasons. And yes, i am all for animal safety.

tori:)))) said...
on Jan. 11 2012 at 11:05 am
I agree 100%! poor lil monkeys :'(

bootgamer5 said...
on Oct. 23 2011 at 11:08 pm
Thank you. I have to do an essay on this topic in English and you have enspired me. I have realy enjoyed reading this good work. ;)

bbbbb said...
on Apr. 12 2011 at 1:21 pm
This is reaaly nice and i think it is really true.