My Favorite Vacation | Teen Ink

My Favorite Vacation

June 13, 2024
By jadynhoenig BRONZE, Ny, New Jersey
jadynhoenig BRONZE, Ny, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever thought about visiting South Africa? Before I went, I certainly never did. It was so unexpectedly meaningful that I couldn’t stop thinking about it when I got home. My family and I would definitely recommend traveling to South Africa. We visited the city of Cape Town, which is located in South Africa. I went with my mom, dad, and little sister, Brooke. Picture this: small, colorful houses in rows, a huge mountain but not a typical mountain, one that looks like its point was cut off, and an area where you can get really close to penguins walking around on the beach. The vibe of Cape Town is something like Los Angeles meets San Francisco, with a really interesting history, resulting in a very unique city and experience. 


Let’s start with my mom’s favorite part, the huge mountain with its point chopped off. This is my mom’s favorite part because she loves to hike. It is called Table Mountain, but it is actually a plateau because the top is as flat as a table. According to Enjoy Travel, Table Mountain is two hundred forty million years old and is one of the world's oldest mountains, older than the Alps, Andes, Rockies, and Himalayas. Table Mountain looks like it belongs on another planet. It is 3,558 feet tall and is home to a ton of plant species. Not only does it look amazing from afar, but when you are on top of it, you feel like you could be on the moon, especially if you visit it when it is surrounded by clouds. I was lucky enough to go to the top of Table Mountain twice during my trip to South Africa. Once, it was surrounded by clouds, giving it even more of an otherworldly feeling. The second time, it was a cloudless, sunny day, and the view from the top was unbelievable. In one direction, I could see the Atlantic Ocean, and in the other direction, I could see the whole city of Cape Town spread out below. It took me and my moms breath away, and it is a sight we will never forget.


Now, head down from the top of Table Mountain and into my dad’s favorite part, the heart of Cape Town. There you will find where we went: rows of colorfully painted houses. The neighborhood that these houses are located in is called Bo-Kaap and has an interesting history. According to, the houses used to be rented to slaves, who were forced to keep the houses white, but after that rule was lifted and the slaves were allowed to buy the houses, they decided to express their freedom and happiness by painting the houses bright colors. They are still hot pink, bright blue, neon green, and electric yellow. There are also traditional restaurants and shops in this area. My dad and I spent some time walking around the neighborhood, and the colorful houses brightened my mood.


The bright colors weren’t the only thing lifting my mood. Do you like animals? Do you enjoy the beach? Me and my sister love both of these things, so Boulders Beach in Cape Town was the perfect place for me and my sister to spend some time. It is a beach where tons of African penguins live, and I was able to walk along the boardwalk path along the beach and see the penguins sunbathing, swimming, and eating. Unfortunately, these penguins are endangered. The beach is called Boulders Beach because there are a lot of really cool, huge boulders on the edge of the beach and in the water. In some spots, like Table Mountain, it looks like you could be in another world entirely. 


When in Cape Town, it is sometimes really difficult to remember that you are even on planet Earth, but it is a good reminder that there are such incredible places on our planet. Visiting Table Mountain, the colorful houses of Bo-Kaap, and watching the penguins on Boulders Beach are what stand out in my memories of Cape Town. It quickly became a meaningful place. I was expecting it to be just another city, but it impressed me. Therefore, I would definitely recommend this amazing spot to anyone who wants to have the best vacation ever. I hope you get a chance to visit Cape Town in the future, and if you do, remember that having a great trip adviser is always a great idea to elevate and make your trip more relaxing and enjoyable.

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