Taylor Swift is not your mother. | Teen Ink

Taylor Swift is not your mother.

July 18, 2024
By kkaityn BRONZE, Singapore, Other
kkaityn BRONZE, Singapore, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Timothy’s Chalamet is not your friend. Taylor Swift is not your friend. Lana Del Ray doesn’t even know your name. They are not your “mothers” and they are not your bestie. They are just employees in a job which they can’t clock out of. 

A celebrity promotes a lifestyle. The flashing lights, the money, the adoration. You may not want that, but you want to be part of that. And that’s why we worship them. Celebrities are canvases on which we paint personalities.

Harry Styles is a feminist gay-straight icon. Paris Hilton is a ditzy blonde. Halsey is a manic pixie dream girl. This might be true (to a certain extent) or it could be utterly false.

We don’t know who celebrities truly are. All we know is that they are people. They have their own friends, family, pets, favourite shows and more. When we put them on a pedestal, we give them all the power, and at the same time an unmanageable burden. 

Celebrities sell a lifestyle. We copy their make-up, their outfits, and their hobbies. And we chase a life that can never be ours. 

Celebrities also sell their lifestyle. I don’t believe that Hollywood has any connection to the devil or soul-selling business but I believe that they sell their life away. Say goodbye to relaxing brunches on the weekend, to walking down the street or to enjoying a good read in the library. Say hello to running away from paparazzi, having free time interrupted, and to living under constant scrutiny. Perfect!

When you see a celebrity at your neighbourhood cafe, don’t immediately whip out your phone and start recording. When you ask for a picture, don’t feel entitled to one. Because they are not your friend, they are not your family and they are not your own living entertainment. 

I believe that celebrities should be grateful for a fan’s support. But, they don’t owe one anything. So before you dedicate everything to them, remember who they actually are: a human.

The author's comments:

Despite writing this, I still enjoy ranking the MET Gala outfits and queued for hours for tickets to the Eras Tour so don't take this too harshly. 

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