Looking South | Teen Ink

Looking South

January 14, 2016
By nickylewis BRONZE, Louisville, Nebraska
nickylewis BRONZE, Louisville, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Why is everyone fretting over terrorist attacks, yet nobody bats an eye at the thousands of  people pouring in from the south? Would it not be easier for a terrorist to stroll across the boarder then to huddle with Syrian refugees? How can we speak of fortifying our nation when we left our back door open? Terrorism is a complex issue that  doesn’t seem to have an answer; unless we start somewhere we’ll never get anywhere.

This is a growing time of uncertainty and unrest. Many are looking to America to solve their problems. As the land of opportunity we feel obligated to permit immigration. After all, this Nation was founded by immigrants looking for freedom. However, unless we can swim our self, we cannot save anyone from drowning.

The first step is to cut all welfare to immigrants. This is the land of opportunity; not the land on a silver platter. In cutting welfare many would leave on their own accord. Those who want to come over must save for the trip and have a job skill to provide for themselves. As they are getting started, there are hundreds of charities and churches who are more than happy to help.

There are over ten million illegal residents in the United States. That is an extraordinary amount to track down and relocate. The best way to start is to mandate that all employers demand papers from their employees; no exceptions. Along with making it protocol for legal officers to check papers, from a speeding ticket to a marriage license. This would dwindle and eventually eliminate the number of illegal people in America.

Preventing illegal immigration and reducing the number will not end terrorism. No single plan ever can or ever will; but we can take precautions to protect ourselves and our freedom.  This is not the time to stand idle, but to act.

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This article has 1 comment.

DarkDragon said...
on Jan. 18 2016 at 9:44 pm
DarkDragon, Louisville, Nebraska
0 articles 0 photos 3 comments
Good article!