Gun Control | Teen Ink

Gun Control

December 1, 2014
By T.C.5.0. SILVER, St.Louis, Missouri
T.C.5.0. SILVER, St.Louis, Missouri
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Controlling people by taking away guns will do absolutely nothing. Drugs kill just as many people as guns, why not outlaw it? Oh wait, we did. What did it do? NOTHING. Wake up and see the truth, banning guns will not prevent people from shooting up schools, for it is not the guns fault for killing people, is it? That would be like saying that a spoon or a fork makes people fat. It is the people that make themselves fat. Not the spoon. I am an avid hunter and not ONCE have I thought about going and shooting up a school. Banning guns will not do anything but anger the american people. It takes almost 5 minutes for police officers to arrive at my house, but it takes less than half a second for the bullet from my gun to reach the intruder at my dwelling. Would you rather not be able to defend yourself? Would you like to have a gun in your hands while a burglar is in your house? That’s what I thought. Now all you others may go cower in your closets and I will defend my turf the only way I know.

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