Limitless Energy | Teen Ink

Limitless Energy

November 30, 2012
By kpann BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
kpann BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Mr. President:

Our environment is depleting rapidly due to inadequate care and a non-frugal approach to energy. Advancing green technology is a necessity because the fossil fuels that people use everyday are limited and polluting the world around us. Unless we find renewable sources of energy to utilize, America will no longer be habitable because of impure air and contaminated water.

Fossil fuels account for about 82% of America’s energy usage according to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA). The high amounts of carbon used in oil, coal, and natural gas contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer. This layer is our protection and necessary for living. Using these fuels also add to the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that induce climate change.

However, renewable energy only accounts for a small percentage of our energy demands. Whether it is the sun, wind, geothermal, or hydro power, it is all free and always going to be there for our use. These sources are green and emit low toxins compared to the fossil fuels, therefore healthier.

The only reason fossil fuels continue to be utilized is because of the efficiency. They can be processed and used almost immediately whereas renewable energy needs to be converted and is far more expensive to maintain. However, if an initial investment is made, America will be able to reduce it’s reliance on fossil fuels.

"Hydro power, solar energy, wind power, ocean energy or geothermal installations harvest renewable energy in a sustainable way. Add energy obtained from sustainably managed biomass and organic waste to complete the list of renewable energy. After depletion of fossil and uranium deposits energy must come from these sources. There are no other sustainable energy sources that could possibly contribute substantially to the energy needs of mankind…” (Ulf Bossel, PhD) This shows that renewable energy is going to have to overcome the fossil fuel usage of today because these are the only sources that will contribute enough to sustain America’s growing energy needs.

Finding new ways to use these types of renewable energies is very important in the long run. The fossil fuels that we are currently using are damaging the environment that we live in. Air quality has gone down and temperatures have been increasing gradually over the years. We need to find a green solution soon or else America will begin its downfall.

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