Gun Control: A Time for Change | Teen Ink

Gun Control: A Time for Change MAG

June 12, 2022
By MY21 PLATINUM, Irving, Texas
MY21 PLATINUM, Irving, Texas
20 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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"Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of. The tree is the real thing." - Abraham Lincoln

May 24th was just another day for the children at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. The school year was almost finished and summer was just around the corner. But, what started as a bright and sunny day ended as a gloomy nightmare. An 18-year-old shooter maliciously entered the school and killed 19 students and two teachers in a tragic display of gun violence. Unfortunately, gun control has been one of the most controversial topics in America during the 21st century, leading to several political debates over the continuity of firearms. Year after year, gun crime rates drastically increase and the debate continues to rage on. Yet, the dilemma of gun control still hasn’t been solved. While there has recently finally been some action in Congress to address gun control, it is not clear whether this action will have promising results. As the debate intensifies, people are left to pick between two divided sides, one supporting the removal of firearms altogether and the other supporting the continued sale and use of firearms. However, this article will not be focused on these two sides. Rather, this article will focus on several proven solutions that America could implement consistently. Several of these solutions have been outlined by various countries in their journey to address gun violence.

Before we discuss possible solutions to gun violence in America, it is important to understand why removing all firearms is not viable. Even though outlawing all firearms is very enticing and justified, especially with the outbreak of recent gun violence, it is just not feasible. Guns are commonly found and used throughout America, making it very hard to completely outlaw all guns. If America was to prohibit all firearms, a new black market for trading illegal guns would most likely arise. This could have pronounced effects on the economy. Nevertheless, this is not an excuse for America to sit still and not address the issue of gun violence. It is time for action and change.

One of the strictest when it comes to gun control, Japan has drastically dropped its gun crime rate to virtually zero. According to Statista, in 2021, Japan only had 10 total incidents related to the firing of firearms. Compared to the United States, Japan is miles ahead when it comes to gun control because of its disciplined approach. To possess a gun, Japanese citizens must participate in a written exam, shooting exam, mental health evaluation, drug test, background test, and character references from family and friends. On top of all this, gun licenses must be renewed every three years. This arduous process keeps the Japanese people safe from gun violence and could be a model for possible U.S. gun control solutions.

Another possible example the United States could look upon is one of its closest allies, the United Kingdom. According to World Population Review, the firearm-related death per 100 people in Great Britain, in 2022, is the ninth lowest, at 0.23. To achieve this remarkable phenomenon, the United Kingdom enacts a tough, but fair, firearm certificate process. According to Max Fisher of The New York Times, to obtain a firearm certificate in the UK, the citizen must have a valid reason (not including self-defense), undergo background checks, and must have two character references. Because of their strong relationship, it should be highly encouraged for the United States to learn from the United Kingdom’s gun control process and generate a possible solution.

The last example of strict gun control mentioned in this article is Australia. Australia is often characterized by having one
of the most straightforward responses to gun control, a response America could use. According to Zack Beauchamp of Vox, from 1996 to 1997, under a government buyback program, Australia collected 650,000 privately owned firearms. In addition to the buyback program, Australia’s NFA (National Firearms Agreement) heavily restricted gun ownership, required permits, banned automatic and semi-automatic rifles, etc. In a 2011 study by David Hemenway and Mary Vriniotis of Harvard University, the firearm homicide rate decreased by 42 percent in Australia, seven years after the buyback program. Clearly proven, Australia’s direct approach could heavily benefit America and quickly decrease gun violence.

In the end, whether it’s background checks, character references, buyback programs, written/shooting exams, or mental health evaluations, America has a plethora of options and combinations of gun laws to choose from. Even after reading this article, some people may continue to argue that implementing strict gun control laws is unreasonable as it is the mentally unstable people who are at fault, not the firearms. However, this statement is wrong because firearms provide a method for mentally unstable people to express violence. If guns were strictly regulated, these instances of violence would be severely reduced. Ultimately, innocent lives are lost to gun violence each year. It is time for justice to be given to grieving families. It is time to implement new gun control laws and protect the American people.

The author's comments:

This article is dedicated to bring about change and inspire alternate, creative ways to tackle gun control. It's time to solve the issue of gun violence and save lives. 

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