Distance Learning: Boon or Bane? | Teen Ink

Distance Learning: Boon or Bane?

February 11, 2021
By HarkiratSingh BRONZE, Ludhiana, Other
HarkiratSingh BRONZE, Ludhiana, Other
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Fear, inherently, is not meant to limit you. Fear is the brain's way of
saying that there is something important for you to overcome."



CHANGES are very significant aspect in our lives. Changes are the ones which help us to build our mental, moral and physical character. This aspect was also beautifully communicated by the famous Byzantine Emperor Heraclitus that change is the only constant in life. But few of these are made by us and rest initiated by the nature i.e. the Lord’s will.

In the same manner, COVID-19 pandemic has adversely affected and has brought remarkable changes in the lives of human beings. The pandemic has resulted into closure of educational institutions all over the globe leading 1.2 billion students forced to stay at their homes. Nearly 5 months have passed now and there is no certainty now that when the schools and colleges will reopen. Board examinations, entrance test for numerous colleges and universities, nursery school admissions have been adversely affected by the pandemic resulting to either cancellation or postpone of these exams. As a result, this scenario has brought about a change in the education set up because education is not a commodity that could be missed out.

Observing that, the COVID-19 pandemic has devastated the casual routine of the mankind, worldwide, the online platform has resulted into best alternative possible for undertaking many virtuous deeds. It has also made us comprehend that these tasks can be fulfilled while sitting at homes whenever needed. Altogether, it has been the commence of a new period, which the present generation has witnessed.

It’s emergence has also somehow changed the mindset of the humanity. Earlier the parents used to instruct their children that not waste their precious time on watching the electronic gadgets and should rather focus on their studies. But now since the criteria has changed then they become completely dependent on the studies through the digital platform. Moreover, presently the situation has become more critical. It has put the students in such circumstances that it is upon them whether they have to utilize in a fruitful manner or they just have to waste time and resources on other commodities where the guidance of the parents will play crucial role. Moreover, the parents are required to make clearance between the online and offline tasks of their children and should also assist them in channelizing this time in a good manner.

 To understand the availability of facilities for the online education, we need to analyze the whole structure of education system of our nation broadly. According to a report by central secular foundation, there are as many as 4,00,000 private schools in our country wherein nearly 7.9 crore students study from which nearly 65.2% students still study in government schools. A report by ‘Bloomberg’ states that every year 2.8% children leave the school because of certain problems. Indian news agency, India Today’s report also states that 71% students have the facility of a phone who reside in the cities whereas in the rural areas the situation worsens as only 55% of parents possess the smartphones. Possession of all these facilities becomes the basis of online education from which the less privileged ones especially the ones studying in the government schools or living in the rural areas are lagging behind. 

This framework has been made very swiftly, in order to prevent the wastage of studies in this long time span. This alternative was chosen because the resources involved in it’s fulfillment were portable and were present with most of the population. Online Education is conducted in two ways - either through various video-conferencing platforms such as Google Meet, Zoom, Skype or the lectures are recorded and then telecasted on television and youtube.

But, students along with their parents and the teachers have their own struggles while accessing through these platforms. By providing the difficulties and acknowledging that, every small incident that happens in our lives has it’s own hidden lesson for the people along with it’s advantages and disadvantages.

On one side, It has enabled us to stay at our homes with our parents and grandparents which has helped us to inhabit moral values and life lessons from them. The students can also endeavor co-curriculum activities depending upon their interest by also keeping in mind their career. It has also increased the level of flexibility in the studies wherein listening to recorded and live conversations also help the students to study and work at their own pace and has also guided the students to attend their classes in the comfort of their homes. Moreover, it has made us learn different online tools and its numerous methods. He paramount of all, we are able to abide by the precautions and the guidelines which have been specified.

The current scenario has also realized some students’ dreams who thought attending school at home as a nightmare . They previously also thought that as a student they won’t be able to stay at home for such long time nor could they attend their classes in the comfort of their homes. But on the other side, this phase in our lives also teaches the consequence of school’s environment in which we inherit many virtuous values and the presence of our teachers who play the role as a mentor in our lives and paramount being the companionship of our fellow mates. This vital lessening can’t be fulfilled by e-learning at that extent. 

On the other side, this system gives more focus on the studies rather than physical activities which affects the growth of a child. Also, there is lack of free flowing conversations, debates and discussions with the teachers and fellow students as a result which limitates the feedback from the students.

The main difficulty in this span of time is the network problem which may occur anytime during the classes. This problems happens due to bad weather or due to bad connectivity in a particular area which leads to lagging behind in studies. This period is emerging to be a huge distress for the less privileged ones as this framework requires a lot of expensive gadgets just for the sake of getting education these days.

Online education also has its effects on the health of the children. This can lead to numerous problems like affect on eyesight and growth while some may have stress depression.

In this span of time, where accessing your work from online and work from home is trending , there have been a tremendous rise in the cyber crime. So as to curb this menace, the government needs to provide a safeguard against all these by building a strong cyber security department in order to keep a check on all the invalid activities. While, the public needs to be very attentive and should become protective for its own possessions and privacy.

Nowadays, it is a strenuous toil for fulfilling the responsibility of a teacher. As earlier, the scene was that they had to go to school, teach and come back which was rather a smooth procedure. But now they are supposed to manage both family and school at the same time. So that’s very hard to manage. As a result, from a student’s perspective, we should respect and obey them sincerely. We should also not undertake any activity by which they are disheartened. Collectively, we should do our best and must cooperate with them during the online classes. 

As a solution to this complication collective efforts are needed at both the local and at the center level.

The Government’s role in the midst of this scenario could emerge as that of a savior for the students as well as for the teachers by lessening their burdens. As it’s foremost purpose is to work for the welfare of the public, thus, they should come up with strategies that may grant solace. 

The government is required to fix the time tables for the online teaching wherein the students will get less stress on their eyes and brain due to less screen time b which the teachers are also able to give ample time to their families as well as the school. The government needs to collaborate with the respective companies in order to provide the less privileged ones with the gadgets along with the interne packs which will in turn help them to carry on their studies smoothly. As seen in severe cases, that there is only one mobile phone among the parents and they have to go on their jobs so, online learning is not possible in such conditions. Moreover, the citizens and the NGO’s should also come up for contributing their bit in this virtual deed.

Reducing of the portion is also mandatory, by keeping in mind that the chapters which tell about the basics of every subject not be deducted. The people must be aware that by lessening topics like democracy, secularism, etc. the government doesn’t leads to dictatorship. They should also not reopen the schools until the complete elimination of the virus and if done it would become very difficult to control its spread because mostly students possess weak immunity. Moreover, they should learn from other countries where they had reopened the schools and are suffering a lot. 

This situation has also shown the mismanagement of the powers by the previous governments, that they have not much heed to this issue. As the expenditure spent on education system of the nation is very less. Also, they haven’t thought of any alternative for such extreme situations. Because of all this, it was obvious to face difficulties while accessing to this infant education system. But it is very necessary to increase the expenditure on education to build a strong education structure as it nourishes the future of the nation.

Here, the school’s authority’s duty also comes into action. They are required to come up with such innovative methods of teaching with the help of the digital world so as to increase the curiosity of students towards various subjects. It will also help them to understand more of the practical aspect rather than cramming the theory without understanding it. They are also required to conduct co-curriculum classes wherein they should discuss about today’s scenario, their normal routine these days, and about how can they utilize the free time. They should also do counseling of such students who feel depressed in today’s time span.

By keeping all the viewpoints in mind, E-learning in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic is the best alternative possible as studies are very indispensible for the upliftment in the student’s life. Somehow, it makes us understand that this atmosphere can’t replace the original school learning. However, online education has some advantages and disadvantages too, so we should analyze it as a point of totality. Moreover, the government along with the school administration must not deprive off the less privilege ones and should focus on methods by which they are able to steadily catch up with their studies and also does not lag behind in it.

Additionally, E-learning has caused drastic changes in fields of education affecting both teachers and students. Post COVID-19, its rise could replace the old tradition of studying like the up surge of the e-commerce took place succeeding SARS. While now it may be too early to predict but as of now after seeing the storyline nowadays, it appears to be a kind of structure which supports only one part of the community.

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This article has 3 comments.

florida_boy said...
on Mar. 22 2021 at 2:25 pm
florida_boy, Grant, Florida
0 articles 0 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on."
-Franklin D. Roosevelt

glad to live in florida where we are free, pal.

on Mar. 2 2021 at 4:21 am
HarkiratSingh BRONZE, Ludhiana, Other
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Fear, inherently, is not meant to limit you. Fear is the brain's way of
saying that there is something important for you to overcome."

@Seerat_1309 👍

Seerat_1309 said...
on Mar. 1 2021 at 11:56 am
Seerat_1309, Ludhiana, Other
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
Very well expressed brother....keep it up champ...waiting for many to come 👍👍🤩