Just a Barbie Doll | Teen Ink

Just a Barbie Doll

March 5, 2018
By Anonymous

For 364 days i’ve been waiting for the next birthday. Why does everyone make birthday so special? A day to look forward to, where it is SUPPOSED to be all about you. A day where you get to decide what to do, and everyone else follows.

Why is my birthday never like that? March 4, 2018 I turned 18 years old, an adult. Although age doesn’t matter, the choice of MY birthday has never really been mine.

Go to church, lunch at a restaurant I eat at everyday, go home. Although, in the mix of it all is filled with tears and frustration of other family members telling me what i’m going to do, and how I am going to do it. Trying to stick up for myself oftenly puts me into a sticky situation, so I just remain to be the family barbie doll and continue to be live my life with the thinking of someone else and strong grips moving me in what direction they think is best.

No matter if its March 4th or any other day, the choice is never mine to do anything and my opinions will always remain underappreciated as I continue to go through life as a doll.

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my life

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