welcome to America | Teen Ink

welcome to America

February 15, 2014
By Nala.P GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Nala.P GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Carole D s a sophomore here at Arrowhead that moved here from France in 2010 in fifth grade. Her dad was offered a job which he took. Though she now lives here with her mom, dad and little brother, Carole still has family and friends back in France so she goes back every summer to visit until august. She says she always tries to stay in touch with everybody so she won’t miss them too much.

Carole says, “I was lost and confused when I first came here. I didn’t understand what people were saying and I got very tired from trying to understand people. It was new; I saw and learned many new things.”

Since she’s been in America, Carole has not only learned how to speak English and keep up with her French at home, but she has also been talking German.

Carole participates in swimming for Arrowhead in the fall, and during the rest of this school year is taking part in the Arrowhead school student exchange club.

“I like that America is big, and that there is a lot of things to see!” says Carole.

Carole plans to go back to France to attend a university there and also to live there. She says she does like it here because people are nice and there is a lot of things to see. Carole’s favorite thing about America is that fact that the houses, cars and the country itself is so big compared to France.

In France they have smaller cars because they streets are smaller, and also there are a lot of apartment buildings bunched together with very little suburban areas. Its popular to go to a café or have a picnic with your friends and family.

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