Dazed and Confused,Distant and Cold | Teen Ink

Dazed and Confused,Distant and Cold

December 10, 2013
By SerenityDemon GOLD, New York, New York
SerenityDemon GOLD, New York, New York
10 articles 5 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
Death before dishonor~ Someone Cool

I guess my fuel was never retrospective. I am not a fool or a force to be reckoned with. I have never committed a crime though I want to. I have never lost my temper even when a moment practically forced me to. Somehow I'm practical and dark. I'm inside of a box, that I don't think out of. Am I a complete incompetent? Harsh words and frustrated lectures have not worked in the past. All children must grow up, and I'm told I'm still just a child. I can't give because someone is always wanting more. If I flipped them off I would be another angsty teenager. No, never me. Society has set fire to my patience and kindness. I'm slowly obliterating into mindless blindness. I want to use unnecessary violence because no one seems to listen. Am I only venting? I want my head to be full but empty from all the dirt that Hollywood makes seem so tempting. I must have the figure of a flying stick thing. I must be another brainless drone to fit in this world but if I become this I will lose whatever it is I have left. I am unraveling,transforming into something my parents are not proud of. I'm confused and enraged. I don't understand politics. I don't understand life. I do not comprehend the politics of life. I'm throwing my life down the drain yet I feel like I'm being flushed.


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