The Universe in Your Lap or Upside Your Head: Media | Teen Ink

The Universe in Your Lap or Upside Your Head: Media

December 29, 2010
By Kasiemobi Udo-okoye GOLD, Oakland, California
Kasiemobi Udo-okoye GOLD, Oakland, California
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The breathing relic. Has there ever been anything more beautiful? All I’ve ever aspired to is to be able to create that phenomenon of mural on wall face on screen song in ear and word on page. Any medium that suddenly reaches out and grabs one generation and pulls it right into the face of another. In the past few centuries we’ve been creating and perfecting forms of expression that interact and confront. Because of art, literature, television, movies, radio and Internet, millions of years from now any one can experience for themselves a manifestation of us that rests on the edge of being something living and breathing. I don’t understand why people fear death, old age, obscurity, when for so many decades we’ve ground these things to dust under our feet. In our world I dare someone to try not to become immortal. Any person or object or moment can find itself apotheosized, stumbling into a niche all its own where hundreds thousands or even millions of viewers and listeners who might be separated by miles and years can find it and love it (or hate it) and learn from it. Know doubt, we’re scared. Scared that our media (yeah, I said OUR media, not THE media) is fooling us, manipulating us, dumbing us down, drugging us up, pulling us apart. But I once read that what makes us human is the ability to build and preserve collective knowledge, so that what one knows or senses, every one can. Maybe media is a way to become more human, to let art, science, and spirit permeate and saturate our experience and give us meaning. Medium. Media. The very idea. The only thing that makes Beauty and Humanity possible. The veins and nerves of a collective immortal Us. So once again I’ll ask you this question: Has there ever been anything more beautiful?

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