Habits | Teen Ink


October 31, 2007
By Anonymous


Habits can be anything that you get used to, everyone has habits good one’s and bad one’s, not everyone one knows how to control their habits. One habit that I’m not really good at is waking up on time for school. Most people can’t give up their habits because they’re just to lazy to stop, other people can’t stop because of people around them, like their friends and peers. An other habit that a lot of people have trouble overcoming is smoking. There are also good habits that just can’t stop doing like doing laundry every Sunday.
One habit that I really have trouble with is waking up on time for school. Most people might think waking up on time really isn’t a big deal but, it is when you have ten absences in you’re a period class. I think stopping a habit takes a lot of work most people just are to lazy to kick there habits. Not waking up on time for school is a bad habit because it’s caused me to fail my classes.

Most people get habits from people around them like their friends and peers. Friends can effect your habits because they can use peer pressure to get to do something you really don’t want to do. Some people get peer pressured to smoke ciggerattes because everyone they know smokes, and eventually those people get addicted and can’t stop, and that turns into a bad habits.
There are also good habits that people do all the time. Some people get into the habit do their homework once they get home. There are all types of habits you just have to know which ones good and not good. Everyone has different habits.

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