Raising the Driving Age to Eighteen | Teen Ink

Raising the Driving Age to Eighteen

November 3, 2010
By Anonymous

I strongly encourage you to change the driving age to eighteen for three important reasons. Eighteen year olds will be more responsible, mature, and educated to be driving on the roads than sixteen year olds. Also most eighteen year olds will have a job and probably be able to pay their own insurance and gas bills. Furthermore, with more teen fatalities on the road each year than the numbers of deaths reported from 9/11, you must consider changing the laws governing teen driving. I firmly believe that you and other legislators should consider changing to driving age to eighteen to keep people safer.

One main reason, you should change the driving age to eighteen is that eighteen years olds will be more responsible, mature, and educated when driving on the roads. For example, eighteen years old do get into more than their fair share of wrecks. But this is due to their age-or lack of training/experience. Besides, parents don’t really show their kids how to drive-especially how to handle emergency, such as a slide on black ice. In addition to, teenagers will demonstrate the maturity and knowledge of safety while driving on the road when they are eighteen years old.

Another reason is most eighteen years olds will have a job and probably be able to pay their own insurance and gas bills. Further, there will be less insurance claims due to reduced auto accidents. As a result, overall your insurance rate will be lower. Therefore, there will be fewer unnecessary trips and they will save on their gas bills.

Finally, with more teen fatalities on the road each year than the numbers of deaths reported from 9/11, you must consider changing the laws governing teen driving. In fact, when sixteen years old drive, they are more easily distracted from other people in their car. For instincts, they could be talking or texting on their cell phone, or even be putting make-up on. Moreover, during night time driving, sixteen year olds are more likely to over correct when seeing animals or objects in the road. Lastly, young sixteen year old drivers accelerate to fast, try to beat red lights, ignore stop signs and won’t let other drivers change lanes in front of them.

If you are voting to change the driving age to eighteen, I urge you to do so for three main reasons. Older teens will be much more responsible, mature, and educated to be driving on the roads than sixteen year olds. Most eighteen year olds will have a job and probably be able to pay their own insurance and gas bills instead of their parents for them. There also will me much less teen fatalities than deaths reported from 9/11. You must consider changing the laws governing teen driving soon.

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This article has 2 comments.

Janessa BRONZE said...
on Nov. 9 2010 at 5:37 pm
Janessa BRONZE, Elmwood, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 2 comments
WriterFighter: I do also agree with your thoughts. This was just a assignment for our english class and everybody was saying no they want the driving age at 16 but they didn't have no reasoing. My english teacher aproached me and thought I would be great to argue their thoughts, so thats what this article is about.

on Nov. 9 2010 at 8:43 am
WriterFighter PLATINUM, Wilsonville, Other
32 articles 3 photos 23 comments

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*Women and men are very different, but not when it comes down to their heart

I understand your point on changing it to 18, thinking that most teens will have a job. That is your oppignion. But I strongly dissagree. Many kids do illegal driving already at the age of 16. And over 50% of them get away with it everyday. And when they do, it means the didn't crash. How many 18 year olds have a good paying job that will cover insurance? Insurance is one thing that a teenager will most deffinitively have trouble paying for alone. So to keep it at 16, doesn't really change a thing. Most teens start looking for a job at 15 and 16 anyway. And I still know teenagers at the age of 18 who are way more immature then most 16 year olds.