Life Is What It Is | Teen Ink

Life Is What It Is

February 19, 2010
By VHutchinson BRONZE, Cumming, Georgia
VHutchinson BRONZE, Cumming, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What is life? Do we define it as the way we live? Or the mechanics that bring sweet breath to our trembling lips? The word has many definitions, but to me there is only one true definition- everything. Life is the grassy field I run through on hot summer evenings. Life is the stream in the backyard that bubbles and spurts. Life is the rain as it falls to Earth and hydrates the needing plants. It is the universe, with all of the galaxies shining brightly, and every star that twinkles in the distance. It is the little molecules that make up everything and it is the dark mater that exists between everything.

Life is everything, anything, and sometimes nothing. It is only as you imagine it to be. Live your life the way you want to. Go places you never dreamed, try things you wouldn't normally try, and follow your dreams. Reach for the stars. Have fun with your life. Give all you have and get back the most out of your time. So what is life? I say, it's whatever you believe it is.

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