Dear future Me | Teen Ink

Dear future Me

May 19, 2024
By Anonymous

Dear FutureMe,

Five years ago, in the apartment building on a cold and lonely night, this letter was sent by a 14-year-old boy who hates the world. I don't know if you are still using this email account. I don't know if you are doing well or enjoying your life now, and I hope that you are not being worn to a frazzle by schoolwork. To help you, I have to tell you these things: Care for your body; don't work too late on your projects over the night. Your body is more important than anything.

Also, I hope I am in a good college by now. How wonderful will it be if that college is in America? Regardless of my degree of success, I only hope you can be happy every day and enjoy your life. Don't mourn over everything. The pressure will crush you. But if you feel you are falling under pressure, stand up again and face the obstacles.

I hope this email finds you well. I am going to have a final exam in June 2024. I'm going to get good grades. The work in school is too much for me, and I'm feeling pressured right now. I hope you will overcome your pressure and build yourself above it.

By the way, I'm looking forward to a trip to America this summer. I hope you liked that trip and found your future path of academics.

I'm not sure if you are still composing music. Where are you living now? Are you going to move to America? Is my family fine? I have many questions that I cannot ask in just one letter. If you received more letters sent by an older me, do not forget the Zachary on May 19, 2024

Best regards,

Zachary Cao

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