Fast Food is a Health Killer. Here's Why... | Teen Ink

Fast Food is a Health Killer. Here's Why...

May 9, 2024
By Anonymous

Fast food is bad for your health, as has been stated by professionals and organizations all over the world. But, just how bad for your health is fast food? To start, Mirriam-Webster defines “fast-food” as food that can be made quickly and easily with little to no consideration for quality (Fast-food). With this definition alone, it is undeniable that fast food is a health killer. According to the National Library of Medicine, “fast foods typically contain multiple chemicals and synthetic ingredients. They are calorically dense, highly flavored, and nutritionally barren. Fast foods typically contain extra corn syrup, sugar, artificial sweeteners, salt, coloring agents, and other potentially disease promoting chemicals,” (Fuhrman, 2018). Excess corn syrup intake increases your chances of fatty liver disease, weight gain/obesity, diabetes, and it contains no essential nutrients. Excess salt consumption causes high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke (Salt and Sodium). Additionally, excess salt can increase your risk of stomach cancer. Fast food every once in a while is okay, however. Eating it once a week is the recommendation. WebMD states that fast food harms your heart because of its almost extreme levels of salt, and this paired with the very low levels of dietary fiber causes digestive issues, and opens the doorway to things such as hernias and diverticulitis (Bonvissuto, 2023). Hernias, when left untreated, increases the risk of bowel obstruction. Moreover, there is a chance of an incarcerated hernia forming, which is when the intestines that pushed through the abdominal wall are pinched, essentially choking and killing those intestines. Diverticulitis is when diverticula (small pouches that punch through weak parts of the colon wall) tear open, causing inflammation and possible infection (Mayo Clinic, 2022). 

In conclusion, fast food can cause obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, heart disease, and other diseases such as diverticulitis. If you want to save your health, eat fast food no more than once a week, and next time think twice before ordering it for a meal.

Fuhrman, Joel. “The Hidden Dangers of Fast and Processed Food.” American journal of lifestyle medicine vol. 12,5 375-381. 3 Apr. 2018, doi:10.1177/1559827618766483

​​“Salt and Sodium.” The Nutrition Source, 18 July 2013,

Bonvissuto, Danny. “13 Things Fast Food Does to Your Body.” WebMD, 29 Sept. 2023,

Mayo Clinic. “Diverticulitis - Symptoms and Causes.” Mayo Clinic, 2022,

“Fast-food.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 30 Apr. 2024.

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