The Loss of the Meaning of ‘Freedom’, and Where That has Led us To | Teen Ink

The Loss of the Meaning of ‘Freedom’, and Where That has Led us To

February 25, 2024
By arden_skyroa GOLD, Long Island, New York
arden_skyroa GOLD, Long Island, New York
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Nothing that results in human progress is achieved with unanimous consent. Those that are enlightened before the others are condemned to pursue that light in spite of others" -Christopher Columbus

1 Corinthians 6:12 describes freedom as, “I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but I will not be mastered by anything.” (NIV). Wikipedia describes freedom as, “the power or right to act, speak, and change as one wants without hindrance or restraint.”, claiming it is the idea of “giving oneself one's own laws”. While the Bible is not believed by everyone, and Wikipedia isn't exactly the WHO or CDC, both these definitions portray the idea of the transformation of the definition of freedom over time. Whether you like it or not, America was founded on the principles of the Bible, the Constitution practically applying biblical teachings to law. As for Wikipedia, its pages are written by anyone who desires to publish a topic. It's not totally false all the time, but what I’m trying to get at is the perspective of someone living in today's society with today’s influences and today’s prominent narrative. As society gradually strayed from the more biblical, deeper meaning of freedom, and moved to the Wikipedia article version, a movement began. The radical separation of the self, God, and physical reality has brought us to the culture we are in today. 

“So what does the Corinthians quote even mean?”, you might ask. That’s understandable, especially seeing as most people aren’t biblical scholars, or theologians. Neither am I, nor do I claim to know the exact meaning of this quote. I take it as Paul debunking the definition of freedom we have today. Specifically, he is preaching to the Corinthians that freedom isn't the right to do whatever you want, because by doing that, you won't be saved. Freedom is the right to do what God wants you to do, the right to do virtuous things. By others, it’s been described as Paul setting limits on what Christians ought to do. Paul’s testimony is viewed as an explanation of  how setting limits and avoiding sin is a way of glorifying God, and worshiping His word. 

This is exactly the opposite of what we see today. Go up to anybody and ask them how to describe freedom. They will likely say that it is the right to do whatever you want, to make your own rules and live by those. Ever heard of the phrase “don't yuck my yum” or “you do you”? To a certain, very limited extent, those hold true. Don't judge someone for eating broccoli if that’s what they like, but today, those sentiments have been taken to a much wider level that they were never intended to be at. In the public square, they are used to disincentivize shame, and shut anyone up who dares to say anything to the extent of “Maybe what you're doing isn't conducive to your success, and is a hindrance to others around you”. 

I have yet to write about transgenderism in any pieces, but it is a prime example of freedom in the contemporary sense. This radical separation from the self -literally- claims “I’m ignoring the physical, moral reality, because I should be able to do whatever I want. That’s freedom!” When men seek to “become” women, they are not only damaging themselves (physically and mentally), but by forcing others to conform to their pronouns and name of choice, are simultaneously promoting falsehood in the culture. If anyone dares to speak out against it, we are told it is bigoted, and the true act of love is to continue to affirm their distorted identities rather than tell them the truth so they can heal and seek help. This is the reason why there is a major push to try to make it mandatory for people to call, for example Bruce Jenner (he) Caitlyn Jenner (she). In believing that this new definition of freedom is true, people assert that this right to do whatever is infringed upon by the ones who tell you “No, that’s not right”. This is why biology is being ignored. If we were to acknowledge that it isn't the Conservatives, or at this point, simply people with any common sense left, who are trying to stop this separation, but rather physical reality itself, there is no one to go against. The facts are the facts, people are people. If people were the ones to say “men can’t become pregnant”, it's possible to smear them as wrong, or uneducated. If the leftists admit it is a cold, hard, proven fact that men can’t become pregnant from biology itself, it's impossible to deem the actual science wrong, or uneducated. 

As I sit here today, I have no solution to this problem other than to speak the truth, don’t fear evil, etcetera, etcetera. You’ve heard that all before. My best guess is to keep doing what is right. We all simply need to keep the real definition of freedom in mind, and to remember what the founding fathers meant when they wrote the Constitution, I suppose. No matter what society says, remember its degeneracy, remember it is far from what it used to be. Don’t let society fog your view of freedom.

The author's comments:

This is a naturally deep topic so for my sake and yours, I tried to cut through the excess philosophy and ideology. 

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