Pizza Then and Now, So Many Varieties | Teen Ink

Pizza Then and Now, So Many Varieties

January 22, 2024
By jadynhoenig BRONZE, Ny, New Jersey
jadynhoenig BRONZE, Ny, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Pepperoni, mushroom, margherita. Some people like it plain, with just tomato sauce and cheese. Others get wild and add things like ham and pineapple. But where did pizza come from and how did it get so popular? What are some different styles of pizza? What are some of the most popular kinds of pizza? The pizza most similar to the kinds we eat in this area comes from Naples, Italy. However, other earlier foods that were like pizza originated in ancient Egypt, Rome and Greece. In these places, they were more like flatbreads with different toppings. Modern pizza originated in Naples, which is in southwest Italy. The people here, called Neapolitans, did not have much money and usually worked as laborers, working with their hands. They needed food that had inexpensive ingredients and could be eaten quickly while working. Most often, they used toppings such as tomatoes, oil, cheese, garlic and even anchovies. In 1861, the king and queen of Italy got tired of eating fancy food, and asked for some different kinds of pizza. Queen Margherita’s favorite kind had white mozzarella cheese, red tomatoes and green basil, which were also the colors of the Italian flag. This kind of pizza was named Margherita pizza, after the queen, and this also helped pizza become more popular throughout Italy. Later, Italian immigrants to the United States introduced pizza to New York and other cities. Today pizza is one of the most popular foods in the world. When I think of pizza, I think of pizza with thin crust topped with sauce and tomatoes, sometimes with mushrooms or pepperoni. However, there are many different styles of pizza, especially throughout America. One style is “New York” pizza, which usually is sold by the slice. Slices of this pizza are large and have a pretty thin crust that is meant to be picked up and folded in half and eaten by hand, not with a fork and knife. Another is “Detroit” style pizza, which is made in rectangular pies and slices. This kind has a thick but light crust, is often cut and eaten with a fork and knife, and the toppings are pressed into the dough then topped with cheese to prevent it from getting soggy. Yet another popular kind of pizza is “Chicago Deep Dish,” which is known for its thick bread, with mozzarella cheese on the bottom and then layered with toppings then sauce on the top. With all of these varieties, and even more that are less well-known, there is truly a style of pizza for everybody. It is hard to imagine a world without pizza, but since it was not introduced in the United States until the early 1900s, and did not become popular until much later in the 1950s, it is actually a food that is pretty “new” to this country. Interestingly, the most popular toppings in America are pepperoni, sausage, mushroom, extra cheese and bacon. What is your favorite kind of pizza? Personally, I like the traditional New York style slice best!

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