Splintering shrapnels | Teen Ink

Splintering shrapnels

January 16, 2024
By Anonymous

Sharp pieces of shrapnel fill my head, they make me question myself. Did I do my best on physics? Am I forgetting homework? Did I study enough for Macroeconomics? Everything clusters in my head when school is in session.

I can describe these shrapnels as uncertainty, specifically, college, grades, work, friends, and family. 

Luckily I can be relieved, only on the weekends does my uncertainty go away. On the weekends when these shrapnels are released, I no longer have uncertainty. Most importantly on the weekends–I get to golf! 

Golf has served as an aid to my uncertainty, it is more than just driving around on a golf cart. It is the constant challenge of betting better, shooting a birdie, and being outside on a beautiful horizon of green grass.

I realize that the shrapnels that weigh a great deal to me are necessary for my personal growth. The shrapnels that consume our minds are what make us a better person. 

I wonder if these shrapnels are what makes golf so special?

The author's comments:

I wanted to write something that described a common feeling of a High School student. I think adding in my personal experience helped the flow of this writing. 

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