Gains and Men | Teen Ink

Gains and Men

April 12, 2023
By bapti SILVER, Tirana, Other
bapti SILVER, Tirana, Other
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Gains are important for Men.

Building muscle is the best way a man can change his mental and physical well-being. Going through pain is essential for a man's self-development as it has always been in our time. Being an obese or skinny male isn't an acceptable biologically for a man.

The fact that women give birth their bodies should be able to carry more fat than usual. Women are used to more fat in their body. Men can’t give birth and should be powerful because that was what it took to protect a family in the first years of humanity. Fighting animals like bears or walking hundreds of miles was the way to survive. If they weren't strong and chose to be weak, their family would have died.

I'm not trying to persuade you to fight bears or walk to Russia from Spain. The point I'm making is, men have evolved in a way to build muscle and be in the best shape they can ever be. It is against our biological DNA to save the energy we have and scroll on TikTok all day, instead using the energy for our physical activity is the best move on the chess board.

There is a counter argument that people don’t care about appearance, According to “How to Beast.” Although some might not care about whether you are obese or not, most will. Being muscular shows a man as trustworthy and an organized person. These factors are just a few examples I could name. There are many benefits of being muscular in human psychology.

Muscular men are happier than normal men. A new study shows that exercising daily not just keeps our physical health in check, but also keeps our mental well-being balanced. Chemicals such as endorphins and serotonin are released when we exercise, and that elevates our mood. (Radhika Bhirani)

As we exercise, we understand that normal activities are very special. Removing thirst, eating, resting and being warm are the comfort zones of the human body. Doing a fun activity after going through true pain in a hard workout boost dopamine making a man feel in connection with his body. Overdosing in these activities isn't beneficial leading to guilt while doing pleasureful activities which makes a man depressed.

Girls prefer men who are stronger than them. Biologically, a man's power was crucial for a woman's children to survive in our early human days. That is why women like guys who are wealthy, muscular, confident, and daring. Being muscular is the foundation for all these important factors in attracting a woman. Going to the gym when you don't want to promotes discipline, and with discipline, other parts of your life improve, such as starting a business or studying longer for 2 hours. Working without breaks makes you richer and wiser, and it all starts with going to the gym and gaining muscle.

These factors have shown the reason men should build muscle. Avoiding these factors and still being lazy with overdosing on pleasure is an act a pathetic person would do. So now it is your choice of being pathetic or being a man with gains.

Works Citied

Bhirani, Radhika. “The One Fitness Mantra You Can't Compromise on If Weight Loss Is on Your Mind!” Healthshots, 23 July 2022,

CNS Media., Inga De Jong. “Obesity Worse in Men? Sex Differences Could Complicate Treatment for Weight-Related Diseases.”., CNS Media., 10 Jan. 2023,

3, David in June, et al. “Does Building Muscle Really Affect How People Perceive Your Confidence and Attractiveness?” How to Beast,

The author's comments:

BE muscular. YES you heard that right. Be muscular dont be a skinny or obese man with 4 cats living in a 1-bedroom apartment ,playing video games all day. Is that your full potential? Think about it. Is it really what you are supposed to do in this world?


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